Fic: Modern Woman

May 09, 2010 18:14

Title: Modern Woman
Word Count: 488
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Riza
Summary: Riza attempts to buy a gun.
A/N: This was originally written for this week's fma_fic_contest's prompt, quiver, but it went over the limit by about 200 words, sooooo... posting it here. Yes. In other news, my fic listing can be found here if you're interested in reading more!

Femininity appears to be one of those pivotal qualities that is so important no one can define it )

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Comments 28

gretchen8642 May 9 2010, 22:19:44 UTC
This is amazing. I LOVED it. <3


starseed4 May 10 2010, 18:21:08 UTC
*clings* Thank you!


yoroshiqueen May 9 2010, 22:20:57 UTC
THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL. I mean, I feel the need to review and tell you so. Because XDDDDDD That was the greatest ending ever. And you are the greatest person ever for bringing it into the world. Thank you for that ;o;


starseed4 May 10 2010, 18:22:03 UTC
One day you'll have to repay me for consistently making the world you exist in a better place. I'M SO GOOD TO YOU. <3


bob_fish May 9 2010, 22:22:06 UTC
Ha! Riza is awesome. Lovely little snippet, and nice prose too.


starseed4 May 10 2010, 18:22:56 UTC
Isn't she though? ;) Glad you enjoyed it! Love your icon, btw. The two of them are the best.


bob_fish May 10 2010, 18:47:24 UTC
Well, since you've read NSI you already know how much I adore Rebecca. But yeah, love her and Riza's competitive friendship.


bloody_winged May 9 2010, 22:33:50 UTC
She passes a jewelry store and thinks that if this secret war they're waging is ever over, she will buy the biggest, most gaudy looking necklace she can; one decorated in gold and sapphire and every frivolous design known to man.

And she will shoot it.
Honestly, this was a great little snippet ^^ And I can totally see Riza do this too XD (and I totally would stand beside her and help her >.> XDDD)
Thanks for sharing ^__^


starseed4 May 10 2010, 18:23:18 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! :)


rika24 May 9 2010, 23:41:01 UTC
Awesome. Girl Power all the way :D


starseed4 May 10 2010, 18:23:47 UTC


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