Fic: What Doesn't Kill Us - Chapter Two

Sep 06, 2009 23:55

Title: What Doesn't Kill Us
Chapter: Something Strange
Word Count: 1914
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Eventual Roy/Riza with various appearances from the rest of the characters
Summary: Life rarely complicates itself at the right moments.
Previous Chapters: Chapter One

Chapter Two )

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Comments 25

THIS IS NOT A REVIEW yoroshiqueen September 7 2009, 04:23:32 UTC
If this was a review, I might mention something about how I'm so happy you've updated and YAY it was worth the wait! I'd say something about how it was so hilarious (I might try to mention specific things like, kiddies!, am I dead?, mysterious alchemy (should that have been funny to me? I think it's just because I'm hearing it read in a dramatic voice. Like TINY MINISKIRTS...except...MYSTERIOUS ALCHEMY!), and like...just Roy. XDD ROY...but the list would get too long and I would just be like, "OKAY GO REREAD THE CHAPTER IT WAS FUNNY YOU'LL KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT") and I LOVED IT. I'd be like, "OLIGARHY!" and asdfasdf OMG ROY AND RIZA WHY ARE THEY THE MOST WONDERFUL THINGS IN THE WORLD.

And then I would be like OH SHIT DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING at the end there, omg can't wait for the next update, fml it's going to be another month isn't it god damn

...And that's why I don't review.

But luckily this isn't a review. This is just me. Hanging out in your comments. Chillin'.



THIS IS NOT RESPONSE TO A REVIEW starseed4 September 7 2009, 15:50:25 UTC
XDDDDDDDDDDDD you are adorable.

Hopefully the wait for chapter three won't be as long since I already have some of it written... but yeah. You know me. <<



elf_wannabe88 September 7 2009, 04:54:07 UTC
This is amazing. Everyone is perfectly in character, I love the narration, and I can't wait to see where this is going. I'm excited and and intrigued.

Did you come up with the ancient civilization info yourself? It looks like you've really thought things through. I'm impressed.


starseed4 September 7 2009, 15:56:39 UTC
Thanks! I actually meant to put an author's note in about the civilizations, but I was tired and totally forgot... I did make them all up. Doing so was nothing less than agonizing haha, so it makes me really happy that you've taken notice of them! I thought a lot about what I was going to name them - each one is composed of one or two Greek words that I deliberately chose to try and convey something about each culture. Erosophian is composed of eros, which is one of the greek words for love, and sophia, which is wisdom. Anathemian comes from the greek word anathema, which can often mean a curse or something that's banned, evil, etc. Archaedeman comes from archaic, which means ancient, and demos, which means people. Just in case you were curious haha.

So yeah, it really makes me so happy to hear you were impressed by that. And everything else. Thank you so much for reviewing! :)


(The comment has been removed)

starseed4 September 7 2009, 15:58:42 UTC
Awww, you're so sweet! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying it and that you've continued to read (despite the like... month in between this and the first chapter <<;;). Hopefully you'll keep enjoying it as the story continues. :)


cutepoison89 September 7 2009, 09:50:34 UTC
Wow your story is brilliant!! The plot is very interesting,I really like the little humour moments and the way you portray everyone very in-character.
I'm definitely hooked and can't wait to see what happens next!


starseed4 September 7 2009, 16:01:55 UTC
Thank you so much for reviewing! I'm glad you think they're all in character - I worry about that the most out of anything while I'm writing. I'm also really glad you're enjoying the plot so far. This story actually ended up going in a completely different direction than I had planned (good thing it's only the second chapter haha), so it's nice to hear it's working.


FMA ICON COMBO BREAKER. pleuvoir September 7 2009, 19:46:18 UTC
You? Can't write? PFFFFT. YOU HAVE SKILLS WOMAN. I love this so much!


I AM IGNORING YOUR ICON. THE COMBO LIVES ON. starseed4 September 8 2009, 15:37:59 UTC
I'm glad you like it! And okay... I think we established long ago that I will just complain endlessly about my writing. It's just the way of things. Everybody's doing it!

I think you should start posting more fic, eh?


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