
May 30, 2005 09:56

Tyler Hilton is playing at Irving Plaza on the 16th and I want to goooooooooooooo!! *spazm spazm* Someone go with me...;-;

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Comments 11

oceanocielo July 10 2005, 20:38:05 UTC
You haven't updated for a while! *sadness*

I tagged you for a sex meme, so you should update just to do it. :P

Also, I'm pretty much just moving over to airiviel, so please add that to your friends list. ^^


starseed4 July 20 2005, 17:30:06 UTC
Oh man, I know, I haven't been on lj in ages... I miss you guys! I'm on vacation now, but I promise I'll check the meme and such when I get home.


airiviel July 20 2005, 17:31:23 UTC
*tackles* Where are you?


starseed4 July 20 2005, 17:50:02 UTC
Jersey Shore. I'm gonna be here until the 30th... right now I'm at some crazy internet cafe, checking my mail. Fun times, indeed!


rinkori August 10 2005, 23:26:16 UTC
Okay, TOTAL driveby comment, but...

I came across yunie_chan's journal, and her default icon (MARS) is credited to you. Now, I have a burning burning love for MARS, and I reeeeeeeally like that icon, so I was wondering: is it free for yoinking with credit? :)

Sorry for the random request. I just had to know. *g*


starseed4 August 14 2005, 22:18:02 UTC
Yeah, sure, go right ahead! As long as you credit, I'm totally cool with you using it. Glad you like it. :)


rinkori August 14 2005, 23:00:09 UTC
Yay. Thanks!


airiviel August 13 2005, 02:57:41 UTC
*tugs on you*

Come baaaaaack. Pweeeaaase? It's past the 30th! You haven't updated. I am sad.

Are you going to Otakon this year?


starseed4 August 14 2005, 22:20:11 UTC
Bwee, I'm sorry... I'm on a little hiatus from lj, but I'm thinking about coming back sometime within the next week or so...we have to see...just been having some crazy times in my personal life and whatnot. But I promise I'll be making some sort of update soon! I'm missing all of you crazy ljers...

Sadly, I won't be attending Otakon this year. Timing just isn't right. :( But there's always next year, right?


airiviel August 14 2005, 22:34:38 UTC
Yay, updates are good. :D

I might go to Otakon next year! Just have to work on the parents a bit...


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