stop the presses?

Jan 14, 2010 11:47

Well, this is new. Not only did I get criticism on a How's My Driving post, it was negative criticism. (Apparently, my characters have no voice, their posts are tedious and TL;DR, it reads like I throw out words without thinking, and Lucy talks too much about the Master.)

I don't entirely know how to feel about this.

roleplaying, do not want, this is paradisaaaa

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Comments 22

shadowesque13 January 14 2010, 18:14:23 UTC
...I don't think it's possible for Lucy to talk too much about the Master.


stars_fell January 14 2010, 18:20:38 UTC
They said, "Also Lucy? All she ever does is think/talk about her husband. How long has she been in Paradisa? I'm not saying she should stop completely because her feelings for him are strong but this is what keeps me away from her and chances are? Others as well."

Personally, I thought, now of course I'm not Lucy myself but if I were in Paradisa myself, I'd never stop thinking about my own husband, no matter how long I was there. I'd miss him like hell every single day. I mean, generally you marry someone because you love them very much, right? And I believe (and Alexandra Moen has stated) that Lucy did love the Master very much. He was everything to her. Why should she stop thinking or talking about him, to any degree?


purple_shoes January 14 2010, 18:31:11 UTC
THIS. I mean, Gwen doesn't think about her husband AT ALL at CH but... that's practically canon. XD

That, and Lucy's identity is the Master. It would be OOC for her not to think about him.

Also, that comment about keeping others away? Way for the crit-giver to put words in other people's mouths. That's another thing I have noticed with people who give crit just to be mean. It's not enough that they don't like it - EVERYONE needs to have an agenda against you.


stars_fell January 14 2010, 20:00:24 UTC
Yeah, isn't she usually heroically trying to resist the inside of Jack's pants and/or having an affair with Owen? :D


purple_shoes January 14 2010, 18:28:01 UTC
Well, that certainly hasn't been my experience.

Was it actual, specific crit? Or just a list of things you are doing oh-so-wrong? Because, generally, I put the latter in a category of "I'm feel like being an ass so I'll say something mean in a crit sounding manner so I can just pretend like I'm not being an ass." If you think there is validity in it, concentrate on what can better yourself as a writer. I have HMDs for all my characters, but generally, I more frequently see it completely misused to hurt people's feelings. For some reason, many writers tend to think that crit should be used to make themselves feel better about their writing, rather than encouraging another writer to improve. This was something I learned the hard way in all of my writing classes, that those types of crit-givers are all over the place.

I tend to take what I want from crit, and ignore what I don't, frankly. This isn't professional writing, and if they don't like it, they don't have to read it. Sometimes, even if it is professional writing, you ( ... )


stars_fell January 14 2010, 20:05:18 UTC
Here's the link if you're curious:

I'm glad that hasn't been your experience? :) I do sometimes feel that Lucy's voice wanders a little, but that could be because she's been in Paradisa for a while and more or less traveled the length of the sanity spectrum. I do my best with the others, especially the Exile who can literally be played any way you want.

I seriously loled at Stephenie Meyer laughing all the way to the bank. How true. :D


purple_shoes January 14 2010, 20:15:55 UTC
Yeah, that falls into mean crit category for me. They don't point out anything positive, they don't offer any questions, guidance, or specific circumstances to base their "crit." It pretty much ignores all crit etiquette, while, at the same time, being extremely unhelpful. If they respond to you with something more in depth, maybe that will help. If they don't respond to you or respond with more vague BS... I would SO toss them in the "trying to start shit" category.

I haven't played with you Lucy, but I thought both Jack and Anna have very district voices, so I wouldn't expect less from your other characters! And, well, all character voices wander, but if you know that's an issue and you're working on it, that's all anybody can ask.

I was hoping you would LOL. <3 <3


stars_fell January 14 2010, 20:36:03 UTC
Well, it's true! It's the same as George Lucas taking a ton of shit (and rightfully so, IMHO) for the prequels, but he has more money than God, so you know he laughed all the way to the bank. And continues laughing to this day. :D

Mostly, I'm just paranoid that anon is someone who has been nice to me to my face.


kippurbird January 14 2010, 18:44:16 UTC
It's the Master Of course she's not going to stop thinking and missing him. And her husband to boot. She's grasping onto the one thing that is from her previous life.


stars_fell January 14 2010, 20:06:32 UTC
Inorite? Maybe anon will be happier now that I've canon bumped Lucy and she now hates the Master? Then again maybe not. Because she still loves him too. Oh well, haters gon hate.


shobogan January 14 2010, 20:59:34 UTC
...:/ Did they...actually watch Lucy's episodes? At all?

I have to agree with everyone else. "they have no voice" isn't at all helpful in and of itself.


stars_fell January 14 2010, 21:26:22 UTC
Hey, I was trying not to be confrontational and bitchy (WHAT IS THIS) so I didn't say that. :)

Maybe they'll reply with something constructive? But I'm not holding my breath.


not_hawkingbird January 14 2010, 22:08:21 UTC
That is probably for the best. ;p

Yeah, me either. Seems like a hit and run kind of crit.


stars_fell January 14 2010, 22:23:31 UTC
And I usually LIKE being a confrontational bitch. In certain circumstances. :D

It does, doesn't it? It was weird. I wasn't expecting to get any replies at this point and then HAY.


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