Anyone watch NCIS LA?

May 16, 2012 21:46

So which episode has the ending to the H50 crossover ep? Or just tell me what happens, cos to be honest the NCIS characters creeped me out in the H50 ep. *squinty and muscles* LOL Sorry, I shouldn't judge, but I doubt I'd like it from the little I saw in that ep.

Finally finished S2 of H50. I liked it! So when is S3 back?

h50, help

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Comments 17

krazykitkat May 16 2012, 11:56:27 UTC
Season 3, ep 21. The LA characters were written by the H5O writers I believe, so not sure how accurate they were. And for me, Callen & Sam, while the leads, are the least interesting.

Whereas I was glad I didn't have to watch the H5O ep to understand the LA ep. No interest in H5O and Scott Caan is the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for me. I literally cringe watching him. Can't even explain it, I don't react on people's looks and I'm not a character hater. But it's everything about him, his stance, his shape, his head...


starrylizard May 16 2012, 12:21:52 UTC
LOL! I wasn't a fan of Danny at first, but he's grown on me. For me it was the way he spoke (apparently I'm told they are NY things). Okay, alright. Bebe! H50 is insane, but for some reason I mainline it when stressed. *points at icon* I watch for the plot. :P

The H50 ep was left on a cliff-hanger. Did they find the virus vials? And was it a crossover or just a continuation of the story?


krazykitkat May 17 2012, 14:45:30 UTC
The speaking doesn't help ;) Mum said she felt he was arrogant, just his stance, he seems to thrust his chest out... I try not to judge people by looks, but I just can't seem to help it with him ;)


starrylizard May 17 2012, 22:27:50 UTC
I didn't find him all that attractive at first, but the character grows on you. After a while you realise he mother hen's everyone on the team and it's pretty adorable. Danny has a much better moral sense or right and wrong and only appears to get violent when those morals are crossed (and it makes you go "Oh Danny, really!"). As a real life person, I also can't think he's too bad. He seems to have the kids on the set on side anyway. I almost don't notice the way he talks any more. It's just part of the character, along with the weird hair-do. :)


ash48 May 16 2012, 12:04:21 UTC

It's weird. I haven't watch H50 for a while and I've never watched NCIS LA. The other night it happened to be on TV so we "watched" (as in it was on but we were watching whilst doing other things) them both - one after the other.

And yeah... I really struggled to connect with the NCIS characters and because I haven't caught up with H50 all I could keep thinking is where is Steve?

I love the idea of crossovers (I wished they happened more often in TV) but I'm struggling to connect with any of those characters at the moment. Though I've had a soft spot for the H50 ones.


Are you watching Game of Thrones by any chance?


starrylizard May 16 2012, 12:26:17 UTC
I haven't seen the NCIS episode. Did they find the virus and live happily ever after?

because I haven't caught up with H50 all I could keep thinking is where is Steve?
Steve was in Japan looking for Shellburne. *nods wisely*

Are you watching Game of Thrones by any chance?
I've seen the first four episodes of S1. I'll have to watch more soon. Need to catch up on SPN next, plus Fringe and Chuck and Lost Girl. It's on the list. :)

Are you enjoying it? Seemed interesting to me, but I think I wasn't following all the plotty character relationships well enough.


ash48 May 16 2012, 13:45:00 UTC
Did they find the virus and live happily ever after?

No doubt they did! I confess I lost interest and didn't watch they whole way through. But I am sure there was a happy ever after. :DD

I absolutely LOVE GoT. But yeah.. it takes some watching. It's ridiculously epic and there are a gazzillion story threads but I am enthralled with the character story arcs and I'm so impressed with production and the performances. Hee... and I'm actually beginning to understand what's going on! :DD



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starrylizard May 16 2012, 22:00:13 UTC
Ah your gif, yes. Glad they saved the day. ;)


jackfan2 May 17 2012, 03:09:26 UTC

They're adorable, right?! I didn't start watching NCIS LA until last year and now I wanna back up to when Deeks joined, not sure when that happened. But yeah! They are the best thing about that show.


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starrylizard May 17 2012, 07:05:23 UTC
Hmm, doesn't sound like it followed on from the plot from H50 all that sensibly. LOL Thank you! :)


charis_kalos May 17 2012, 04:40:52 UTC
How have you finished Season 2 of H50? I've been watching on Ten, and it seems to have now disappeared, being replaced in the schedule by NCIS LA! Driving me nuts.


starrylizard May 17 2012, 07:03:44 UTC
Ummm. *whistles*


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