Vid: The Angels are Here (SPN)

Oct 05, 2009 21:43

Title: The Angels are Here
Vidder: starrylizard
Music: Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin
Spoilers: Clips up to 5.4
Summary: A vid about the angels of Supernatural
File: wmv, 0:58, 18.4MB

Links: Bam Vid Vault | Youtube | Filefront | Mediafire | Fandomland

This one was meant to be crack, but somewhere along the line it turned into a fun-with-beat-use / action piece. *hands* I guess you can't control the muse.

I can't seem to embed youtube properly tonight. It cuts off half of the vid. Weird. So, I'll just assume you guys can find the link. The BAM stream has a funny glitch in the sound at the beginning. *sad face* So Youtube is the better option.

The colouring was inspired by my vid_the_grid table, prompt: green.

Thanks to ash48 for an introduction to this beta shizz; it's not half bad. ;)

All comments are welcomed with open arms and virtual cookies. Enjoy! :)


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