New Vid: Passive, Heroes/SPN

Jan 14, 2008 11:59

Ok, so I'm not so sure about this one. It's pretty different from my usual vids. I made it for a challenge. Feel free to have at it. :P

Song: Passive by Perfect Circle
Fandom: Supernatural/Heroes
Genre: Crossover, completely AU
Warnings: Some swearing in the song. Clips from S2 of Heroes and from ep2.21 to ep3.5 of Supernatural.
Summary: When a dark plague comes, who will be infected by it, who will live, and who will die?
Notes: Feel free to make your own story out of this one. It's the sort of AU where the story has absolutely nothing to do with canon. :P Made for the SVS crossover challenge. All comments welcome, good or bad.
File details: 20mb, wmv, 2:34min

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