Kazcon vid: Die Another Day

Aug 08, 2007 10:23

Well everyone else is posting their Kazcon vids, so here's mine. I've watched a couple of the other premieres and wow, I feel outta my league here, but anyhow, here it is. also, while making this vid back in June(?) I saw at least five other vids come out to the same song (different fandoms thank goodness), and how frustratingly unoriginal does that make me. *laughs*

Title: Die Another Day
Vidder: starrylizard
Music: Die Another Day by Madonna
Fandom: Supernatural
Spoilers: clips from S1 and 2 of Supernatural
Summary: The Winchester brothers aren't ready to die just yet
Length: 1:58 min
File: 16mb
Notes: Premiered at Kazcon. Thanks to Brighette for the beta. Comments are chocolate for the muse and if you saw this at Kazcon, I'd love to know what it was like on a big screen. :)


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