New SPN vid: Passion

Jul 17, 2007 16:57

I think I'm finally getting the hang of this Vegas thing! All con. crit, comments or tips totally welcome. :)

Vidder: starrylizard
Video Title: Passion
Fandom: Supernatural
Song: Passion
Artist: Michael Franti
Warnings: Clips up to the end of S2
Summary:Sam and Dean have had to deal with a lot in their lives, but they are still out there saving people and connecting with both their friends and loved ones and also with the people that they save. (Man, that sounds cheesy. I'm terrible at summaries.)
Length: 2:44min
File size: High quality is 34mb, lower quality (but still quite nice) is 17mb

Links (Take your pick of dl site or stream it.)

Youtube (also streaming under cut)

High quality (34mb):
Arwen's server (please right-click and dl)

Lower quality (17mb):

image Click to view


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