'Oh dear,' he said. 'Did I interrupt something?'

Jul 13, 2009 23:57


☆the SORTING HAT meme☆


Eric: Good evening, Lafayette.
Lafayette: NO! You can't come in my house unless I invite you in and I am no where near that crazy.
Eric: Well, you have to come out eventually. I have all the time in the world.
Lafayette: You let me go!
Eric: I gave you a very generous gift. The gift of not killing you. And I am here to give you something else. The healing elixir that is my thousand year old blood.

Lafayette: I don't think that's a good idea.
Eric: Your leg is already infected. I can smell it. If you don't get that taken care of you could lose it.
Lafayette: Why do you want to give me your blood?
Eric: I like you.
Lafayette: Bullshit! You want to be able to keep track of me, why?
Eric: You obviously mean something to Sookie. And what Sookie finds meaningful, I find...curious. You really have no choice, Lafayette. You know it.
Lafayette: Fuck.

HA! I figured that was the reason. Eric wouldn't just give someone his blood out of the kindness of his heart. It had to be because of his Sookie obsession. Oh, it's starting...

Poor Lafayette should have just said he was friends with Sookie when he was first kidnapped. Eric would have just made him tell him everything about her (likes, dislikes, what makes her laugh) and then asked Lafayette to tell Sookie how awesome he is. LOL YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE!
Lafayette just would have been like, "FOR REAL, BITCH?"

For non-book readers, vampires giving someone their own blood is kind of a big deal. Bill's only done it for Sookie like twice because she was literally dying. And I believe there was a time in book 5(?) when Eric told Sookie that the only other person that's had his blood besides her in hundreds of years was Pam.

However, since Sookie would be kind of pissed if her friend was permanently damaged, Eric would find this worth it.
Because you know, he thinks about her. ♥

Eric: That's enough. Don't get greedy.


(Eric's cell phone rings)
Eric: You were supposed to call me the minute you arrived.
Bill: We were ambushed at the airport!
Eric: By whom?
Bill: You know exactly by whom, Eric! The fellowship of the sun! Why didn't you tell me they were involved?
Eric: I didn't know for sure. Now I do.
Bill: You could have shared your suspicions with me.
Eric: I should have, but I didn't. You should remember that I am your sheriff, Bill. We are not equal. If that displeases you take it up with the majesty or the Queen.

Seriously, child! Respect your elders. The grown ups don't have to tell you everything.

The Sofie-Anne mention makes me seriously excited for later in the season, ngl!

AND AGAIN, ARMMMMMM! (and it's healed!)


Lafayette: Give me that shit! Oh that shit! AH AH AH!
Eric: How's your leg?
Lafayette: Shit, I just wanna fucking dance! HIT THAT..AH!
Eric: How nice for you.
Lafayette: Ay, come on! come on! come on!
Eric: Well, I must fly
Lafayette: Vegas, baby! Vegas!



Seriously, can we speed up the Eric/Sookie sex just for the purpose of watching his back during their sex scenes? Plz?

Oh and I hope Eric meant he was going to literally FLY. lol not to Dallas because he took a plane in book 7 so obviously he can't go that far, but at least to the airport.


Eric: It's Eric. You wanted to talk.
Bill: This is important
Eric: Meet me in the bar.
Sookie: Fudge.

YOU KNOW ERIC INTERRUPTED ON PURPOSE! Sex isn't worth having if Eric isn't there, Sookie.

She's so adorable for saying 'Fudge'. heh.

"Bill was leaning against the sitting room wall trying to open his slacks with me still wrapped around him when there was a knock at the door.
'Damn,' he whispered in my ear. 'Go away,' he said somewhat louder. I wriggled against him and his breath caught in his throat.
'I need to talk to you,' said a familiar voice, somewhat muffled by the thick door.
'No,' I moaned. 'Say it isn't Eric.' The only creature in the world we had to admit.
'It's Eric,' said the voice.

Eric looked as blandly delighted as he possibly could. 'Oh dear,' he said. 'Did I interrupt something? Would these--well this--be yours, Sookie?' He held up the black string that had formerly been one side of my thong."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 109, 110

Eric: I admire you, Bill. It takes a real vampire to admit he cannot protect his human.
Bill: And it takes a true monster to not care about anyone or anything other than himself.
Eric: I care about others.
Bill: You care about Godric. You have no obligations to Dallas or Texas. This is personal for you, why?

Eric does care about others. He just cares about himself the most and finds himself to be the most awesome person around. Like Barney Stinson.
There's nothing wrong with him being right about that.

(waitress brings True Blood)
Eric: I hope you will enjoy your blood substitute which is costing me $45.
Bill: Oh I have no intention of drinking it. I just want you to pay for it.
Eric: You are so mature.

He already views you as a child, Bill. Way to prove his point.

Bill: Answer the question. Why this allegiance to Godric?
Eric: He is much beloved by his subjects.
Bill: Only kings and queens have subjects, Eric. Not sheriffs.
Eric: Godric could have been king of Texas had he wanted. He could have been king of any vampire territory anywhere. He is twice is old as I am and very powerful. There are none above him in the new world.
Bill: Well, if he's so powerful how could they abduct him?
Eric: Now that is what worries me. If one such as he can be taken by humans then none of us is safe.

Bill: What can I give you to release Sookie from her agreement?
Eric: Nothing. And since you like humans so much I would think you would want to protect them. The vampires here are like cowboys. If they don't get Godric back they'll want justice. They'll start attacking people.
Bill: Open aggression against humans? That's insane!
Eric: Well, it's Texas!

Aw, Bill is rather adorable for thinking he can keep Sookie away from Eric. lol nice try.

Other amusing parts of the episode:


LOL BILL! Sometimes I like him a lot. Keep him like this, True Blood.

Sookie: I've always loved these. They're like booze for dolls. They gave me 10!




"To my startled delight, I realized (after a quick rummage in Barry's head) that he was a telepath, like me! But he was at the level of organization and development I'd been when I was maybe, twelve years old. He was a mess, that boy. He couldn't control himself at all, and his shields were shambles. He was heavy into denial. I didn't know whether to grab him and hug him, or smack him upside the head. Then I realized his secret was not mine to give away."
- Living Dead In Dallas, pg. 71, 72

Jesus was the first Vampire
Bill & Sookie giggle
Arlene & Terry dirty dancing
Sookie chases Barry down the hall

If anyone wants any more gifs from the episode just leave a comment. I'll probably keep the ep on my laptop for at least a couple of days.

Previous Eric picspams/book thoughts:
2.02 - Let's Get This Party Started + thoughts on books 1-4
2.03 - Scratches + thoughts on books 5-7


Sookie Stackhouse Books 7-9 Thoughts

Book 7 - All Together Dead (from chapter 15 onward)
+ Sookie was able to wake Eric up in the middle of the day and get him to fly out of a burning building while carrying her and Pam in her coffin to safety. The fact that Eric can do this says quite a lot. I remember back at the end of book 3 I had wondered if Eric was in the car trunk with Sookie would he have almost killed/raped Sookie the same way Bill did because he's a vampire too? Sookie didn't seem sure herself which is why she banished both guys from her house at the end even though Eric had been nothing short of amazing to her during book 3.

I now feel pretty certain that if it were Eric in that car trunk...he would not have raped her. I'm not just saying this as an Eric fan, I think it's all about his age. Even though Eric is viewed as the "bad boy" in this series he is actually waaaay less dangerous than Bill. Bill never means to hurt Sookie...but he still does (sometimes he's at fault and sometimes he's not).
Eric can control himself so Sookie really doesn't have much to fear from him. Does that give him an unfair advantage over Bill? Yes. He can protect her better than Bill can both from others and from himself.

+ I wouldn't have slept naked in the bed with Barry. lol you're giving the poor kid the wrong idea, Sookie!
+ Quinn staked Andre, yikes! Well whatevs, he was a creepster.
+ Ugh, just forget about Quinn, Sookie

Book 8 - From Dead To Worse
+ ugh, Bill, give it up. Sookie would have to lose all respect for herself in order to get back together with you. Can't you just settle for being friends? I think that would be generous on her part.
+ Ah finally some background about Sookie's fairy-ness! She's actually far more fairy than I had suspected. She's 87.5% human and 12.5% fairy. lol I'm as much German as Sookie is fairy.
+ That entire chapter where Eric took Sookie to see Niall was SO hot though. The sexual chemistry was fricken intense there. I seriously love everything about the blood bond. Sookie really needs to stop seeing it as a bad thing though.
+ But yea, when she came out of the restaurant and he was all fangy and said, "When you smell like that I just want to fuck you and bite you and rub myself all over you" I was kind of like "UGHIGHIHG(@*$*)!" lol.
+ And then he took another bullet for her. What is that now, 3? lol I love how the bullet just popped out of him and she got mad about him "Playing her for a sucker" in book 2 (AND SEASON 2, NEXT MONTH WE'LL SEE THAT SCENE, OMG!)
+ Ok, more shifter/werewolf stuff. blah blah. BUT SAM CAN BE A LION TOO! LOL HE KEEPS HIS FIERCENESS HIDDEN!
+ Ok Alcide is creeping me out now that he's pack leader.
+ AH, Sofie-Anne is dead! Oh noes! That was...abrupt. She was kind of an important character, you know? I hope they change the way she dies in True Blood.
+ FOR ABOUT 5 MINS I WAS SUFFERING FROM MAJOR POWER LUST ABOUT ERIC! I wish he could have defeated all the Vegas vamps and then become King. It wouldn't really help Sookie/Eric's relationship but I would just find it hot. haha I didn't even know I had any kind of power lust until reading this. Weird.
+ Seriously, Pam/Amelia OTP! I wish that Pam/Amelia and Eric/Sookie could have double dated. haha
+ Eric got his memory back! FINALLY! lol and he has resorted back to calling her lover. Except with his regular personality it almost...works.
+ SEIGEBERT, NO!!! I really loved him, why did he have to be the 'bad guy' of sorts? Sookie was pretty damn fierce to mow him down with her car though. Aw, she had to come back for Eric because she loves him.

Short Story - Gift Wrap
+ lol, I dunno about you guys but my grandparents never got me a sexual fantasy for Christmas!
+ I am amused that Sookie's sexual fantasy is pretty much exactly what happened with Eric in book 4, ha.

Book 9 - Dead and Gone
+ So the weres are out. And Arlene became a cunt. Well, that sucks.
+ You know, in the last book I was really excited for all the fairy stuff and in this one I felt like it was a little bit too much. I dunno. I had to write down the names on a family tree just to keep them all straight, haha.
+ SOOKIE/ERIC SEX OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol that was my favorite chapter hands down and I read it an embarrassing number of times. Eric was Eric when it happened too!
+ Ah, the torture scene was intense. And Bill saves her because Eric was doing something ~mysterious~ hmmm....
+ I don't hate Bill anymore. But the triangle should be over. For good. There's no way you can respect yourself and sleep with someone who raped you (even if it wasn't his fault). That's just too emotionally fucked up. Besides, she needs to move on with her life. She can't revert back to being with her old emotionally abusive boyfriend.
+ Sookie and Eric are married? lol.
+ I think in the end I want Sookie and Eric to be together and for Sookie to adopt Hunter (when/if something happens to Remy Savoy) then she can have a kind of family and normal life in a way.
+ Does anyone think her fairy-ness is going to allow her to live longer/age slower. Because logically it should...

o4. And it's Music Monday:

♪ Pogo - Lost
(The only lyrics in this are taken directly from Disney's Alice in Wonderland which makes this song totally trippy and AWESOME! It's addicting. 'I'm very fond of tea!')
♪ We Were Promised Jetpacks - Conductor
(I just downloaded the album by this Scottish band and I adore it. This might be my favorite track.)
♪ Grafton Primary - I Can Cook
♪ Florence + The Machine - Postcards From Italy (Beirut cover)
(I love the original and this is gorgeous!)
♪ She & Him - Please Please Let Me Get What I Want (The Smiths cover)
(This is from the 500 Day Of Summer sdtrk. I can't wait to see the movie!)
♪ Oh, Atoms - Brooklyn Cheesecake
(I got this album awhile ago but I completely forgot to rec anything from it. I really love this track!)

o5. *looks at the time*
Why do I do these things? I blame ASkars' back.

tv: true blood, harry potter, picspam, public, music monday, ship: eric/sookie, sookie stackhouse, picspam: why eric is awesome

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