Anime: Kyou Kara Maou
Pairing: None specific, but does include Yuuri/Wolfram, Gwendal/Gunter, Yuuri/Sara and others.
Genre: Comedy
Date Created: 26th April 2008
Song: Dude Looks Like A Lady (yes, it's the classic!)
Sung by: Aerosmith.
Summary: Cross-dressing. Prettiness. Boy Love. Gunter nosebleeds.
Notes: No idea if this has already been done (very surprised if it hasn't), but this is a version with OVA and series 3 footage if it has ^_^. It's a response to a guy who emailed me after watching one of my other yaoi videos asking me "Why is it that girls like guys who look like girls?" ^_^ Hope this answers it for him.
Note 2: I only have 5 episodes out of the entire series not in RAW, and 2 of them i needed for this AMV, so once or twice you'll see a subtitle, but that's it.
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Download from YouSendIt. EDIT: Ah, seems I've found a site that so far hasn't kicked me off. You can now simply view this on megavideo
here (quality wise it's still best to download though).