My table for 50_darkfics

May 13, 2006 13:12

I haven't decided if I am only going to do 50 fics for this challenge or the full 100. I thought it would be a real challenge for me to attempt writing truly dark fic. My claim? Angel(us) from the Buffyverse.

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buffyverse, fanfiction tables, 50_darkfics, angel(us)

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Comments 7

velvetwhip May 13 2006, 13:30:21 UTC
How do you claim there? I wasn't quite clear on the instructions.



starlit_desires May 13 2006, 13:32:31 UTC
I see you already made your claim :D

I can't wait to see what you come up with.


velvetwhip May 13 2006, 13:35:14 UTC
Same here! I want to see what you come up with for Angelus!



starlit_desires May 13 2006, 13:37:25 UTC

I am really worried because I feel that so far I've really just written "dark lite." Where the fic is more hinting at dark, so this will be a real challenge for me.


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