FIC: Training 1/1, FR13, Faith/Edward, BtVS/Anita Blake crossover

Nov 18, 2006 23:08

Title: Training 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Fandom: Buffyverse/Anita Blake Crossover
Pairing: Faith/Edward
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company, while Anita Blake belongs to Laurel K. Hamilton & company.
Notes: Written for joss100 for prompt #50 (weapon) and 7_crossovers for prompt #1 (twilight). Set during BTVS Season Three.
Summary: Edward trains his new protégé.

He didn’t like the fact that she was too soft and that she relied far too much on her preternatural abilities. He wondered what the Watchers really did to gain their prestigious standing when it came to the occult. All he could see was that they sent little girls off to die while they stayed comfortable with their brandy and cigars. Edward snorted in disgust as he watched Faith take out a target with a wooden stake; it was nothing short of barbaric in his eyes. Tonight when twilight hit, it’d be a true test of her training since he planned for her to take out a nest on her own. He smiled as she rolled and took out another target and he briefly wondered just where she had all of those stakes hidden. If she passed her test, then she would receive a nice graduation gift in the form of a set of wickedly curved silver daggers before they headed out of Sunnydale. If she failed, well then he’d put aside his distaste and disgust at Anita’s bed partners for a few more jobs.

“That’s enough Faith,” Edward called out to her.
“How’d I do?” Faith asked as she jogged up to him.
“Not bad.”
”And you thought I was too soft,” Faith replied with a smirk.
“We’ll see how soft you are tonight.”
”Ain’t ya going to tell me what I’m going up against?”
“That’d ruin the surprise, little girl.”
”Aw come on, please,” Faith begged.
“Just make sure that you have more than one stake. And I’d suggest that you wear this,” Edward said as he handed her a simple silver cross.
“It’s a nest, isn’t it?” Faith asked, suddenly serious.
“And what if it is?”
”How do I know that you’re not setting me up?”
“Do you honestly think that I’d go to such extremes to set you up?” Edward coldly asked.
“Then where will you be?” Faith asked as she crossed her arms against her chest.
“At the exit with a flame thrower to destroy any vamps that try to get past you.”
”Fine, but if you try to bring me down, I’ll take you with me.”

Edward stared at Faith and his cold blue eyes suddenly went flat and dead and the Slayer shivered as Edward instantly transformed into Death, the man that the vampires and demons were afraid of. He grabbed her by the arm and his grip hurt her as it tightened and she knew she’d have bruises the next morning, if she survived the night.

”Don’t ever threaten me again, Faith,” Edward stated flatly and coldly.
“O-okay,” Faith said with a tremble in her voice.
“Good,” Edward said as he released her arm, “I’ll pick you up at twilight.”

She watched him walk away from her and she wondered if she had made the smartest decision to join him. Even though she didn’t like the rules that Buffy and Giles had to play by to destroy the vampires and demons that the Hellmouth attracted, she couldn’t see either one of them threatening her and then following through on that threat. Yet she knew that it was too late to turn back and rejoin Buffy and her gang of friends. She’d made her choice when she’d met Edward in Willy’s and she’d burnt her bridges when she had first started training with him. Even if she had really wanted to, there would be no way that she could turn back. A steely determination made her stand up straighter, she’d prove him wrong tonight, and she’d survive whatever he was going to throw her way.


buffyverse, anita blake, faith/edward, crossover, faith lehane, joss100, 7_crossovers

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