Title: Shopping Trip 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Ryan/Calleigh
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: CSI: Miami belongs to Jerry Bruckheimer and company.
Notes: Written for round #2 (fashion) for
fic_variations. Set during Season Four.
They had ended up with a week off together and they had spent every moment together. Most of the week had been spent leisurely in bed, but Calleigh had decided to go shopping on their final day of vacation. The day had started out with breakfast on the beach followed by a walk through the outdoor vendors. They had done the touristy thing by trying on sunglasses and hats, as well as holding up colourful and silly t-shirts to their chests. Their day was full of laughs, smiles and love. Then they had headed to the mall, it was a place that Ryan normally avoided. Yet with Calleigh, Ryan found the mall to be less boring. The throngs of teenagers parted for the two of them instead of sneering at him. As they walked into another store, Calleigh found a dress that she liked. She held it up to her chest as Ryan watched.
“Do you think I’d look good in this?” Calleigh asked.
“I think so, it’s pretty enough.”
”You just think so?”
”I’d rather see it on the bedroom floor.” Ryan joked.
“Is that all you think about?” Calleigh asked with a smile.
“No but I think that you should save the shopping trips for Valera if you want an objective opinion on fashion and on what looks good on you.”
“Any why’s that?” Calleigh asked with her hands on her hips.
”Because I think that you look good in anything,” Ryan said as he pulled her into a hug.
”You’re such a flirt.”
”Only with you.”