Title: Questions and Answers
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: Willow/Xander, Xander/Anya
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for
joss100 for prompt #37 (field.) Set during the second half of BTVS Season Three.
Summary: Anya puts Willow on the spot with questions about Xander.
Willow was well aware that Anya Jenkins, the former vengeance demon, was interested in Xander. And she was happy for Xander because anyone other than the snobby Cordelia and the psycho Faith had to be better. She just wasn’t prepared for anyone to interrogate her about him, especially after everything that had happened in the last few months. Since Oz had taken her back, Willow hadn’t wanted to talk about the fluke with Xander. Yet Anya had different plans and she had cornered the redhead and started asking personal questions about Xander, such as how he kissed and did she ever give him an orgasm. As Willow fielded the questions she started to blush in embarrassment, until she finally had enough of Anya and her persistence.
“Look Anya that’s too much to ask. If you want to date Xander, then go ahead and date him. Just don’t ask me stuff about him, you need to find that stuff out on your own.”
Before the former demon could respond, Willow pushed past her and she started to rethink her position on Anya. Maybe a former demon wasn’t really that great of a choice for her oldest friend after all, even if the competition was a snob and a psycho.