FIC: Awakening 1/1, FR13

Jul 07, 2006 20:58

Title: Awakening 1/1
Author: Sweetness
Pairing: none
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for 100moods for prompt #99 (weird). Set during ATS 5x12 “You’re Welcome.”

As she woke up for the last time, Cordelia Chase felt weird. Only because she didn’t feel anything about the fact that this would be the last time she would wake up. She was there with one last mission for Angel from the Powers That Be and then she would become a true higher being of sorts, instead of a vessel for a hungry goddess. She would be a guide on a higher plane for all those who sought the truth and guidance. Whatever the case was, her life as she once knew it was over and the former cheerleader couldn’t find it in herself to grieve for her former life or her last few hours of it. Yet she couldn’t help but feel like she was letting Angel down when he needed her the most but she was unable to feel upset over it. Her time as Angel’s Seer was done and there was nothing that either of them could do to change that simple fact. So she felt a slight amount of weirdness as she drew the curtain to prevent Angel and Wesley from looking at her dying body.


buffyverse, you're welcome, cordelia chase, 100moods

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