Title: Memories and Dust (6/?)
Fandom: Heroes (Future, AU-ish)
Characters: Matt/Mohinder, Molly, Jacob
Rating: R for sexual situations (woo!)
Disclaimer: Don't own a damn thing, and make no money off this either.
Summary:“Oh man. Tell me we haven’t just adopted the next Ted Sprague.”
A/N: Sorry this took so long. I've been laid up in bed all week
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Comments 18
"Nothing drastic," Matt replied, grinning. His hands were around Mohinder's hips, thumbs rubbing along the sharp curve of the bone. "Though it's been a while since we did it on a bathroom floor," he added thoughtfully.
Mohinder snorted. "And they say romance is dead."
I literally LOLed there.
awesome. Can't wait for more.
And at this point in their relationship, I figure Matt and Mohinder have pretty much hit their stride. I think they've been through the ringer a few times, and have managed (maybe barely) to come out on top of it all with their relationship and collective sanity intact.
Besides, the rest of the story has enough drama in it.
Glad you're enjoying this!
But yeah, I agree that people can get carried away with it, lose sight of the characterization. Of course, it's pron, characterization probably isn't top on the list of priorities.
I'm always astounded when people can manage to write sex scenes that are not only hot, but also demonstrate and explore the inner workings of a character (or a relationship) through their actions in the bedroom (or bathroom, whatever). I don't think I'm skilled enough to go there, so I leave out the NC-17 stuff.
That, and I think that more restrained writing is sexier than play-by-plays.
This line made me laugh so hard. You are funny. This series is so believable and cute. Thank you
I think that my favorite part of all of this, though, is your characterization of Jacob (and, by proxy, your characterization of Micah). The description of the way that minds and thoughts are individualized was really well done, and I think that the notion that he might have killed Janice is going to give you a lot of interesting room to expand.
Basically, I think that this is totally rock-solid and I absolutely love it. An excellent, excellent chapter, and I'm on the edge of my seat for the next one. :D
Micah really got handed the shitty end of the stick in Heroes - story-wise, not in writing or character as much. I'm very interested to find out what happens to him in the next season, considering how wrecked his life is right now.
He's going to be featured more later in the story.
I'm rambling. Sorry. Thanks for the comments and love.
I love the continued development of Jacob, and Matt and Mohinder's relationship is so believable and beautifully expressed. It's just awesome. I love this series.
You know, I was stuck on this chapter for the longest time, wondering why I couldn't get the characters to do what I wanted. Then I realized. It was because Matt and Mohinder wanted in each other's pants.
Jeez, guys.
Well, by all means then! ;) I mean, if they're not happy, nobody's happy!
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