Title: For Every Closed Door: Interlude 4
Author: Starlingthefool
Fandom: House/Dead Like Me crossover
Characters: House/Wilson
Rating: Light R, for sexual situations (finally!)
Summary: Wilson wasn't sure what was more pathetic; that he was carrying on a conversation with a dead man at two in the morning, or that he was sorry when it stopped.
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Comments 6
The hand over his mouth shifted, and a thumb stroked lightly over his lips. Wilson felt embarrassingly moved by the gesture, not to mention aroused.
And things were, if not all right, still really good for a while.
And then came this:
"I dreamt of you," he told House, already falling back asleep. "I dreamt you died."
"Eh. It's not so bad, really," House muttered, nuzzling into his neck.
Neither of them remembered the conversation the next morning.
Eeeeee! I'm all flaily hands and high-pitched dolphin sounds right now. Wow! I can't wait to see where this is going!
(Takes deep breath)
This fiction has just knocked The Contract off the top spot in my list of favourite all time fictions.
The description of Wilson remembering a time when House was alive and being knocked off centre is perfect. That's exactly how it feels.
As you can probably tell I am not very good at the stringing words together thing (oddly unless I'm drunk or very tired). But yeah, Luving it so far.
Can't wait to see where it's going.
That literally made me wince. Identifying the body must have been horrific. *shudder*
Poor, poor Wilson! Throughout this whole series (mostly throughout the series of interludes, in this case) I've wanted to give him a big hug. But now I don't have to do so because House/Mika is!
she smiled brilliantly at him, then took his hand, squeezing his fingers briefly. "Jump," she said.
Are you planning on killing my Wilson? Should I be worried? Will I have a happy ending or our you planning on hiring a body guard? :)
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