[FIC]Shatter These Walls 5/?

May 01, 2012 16:30

I just can't justify holding this chapter hostage until the weekend even though it's the longest one yet. It's also the darkest one yet, and if you'd kindly heed the warnings I'd be much obliged. I don't want to be responsible for any mental trauma incurred.

Massive kudos to jg5799 who took over the huge task of unraveling my voice from the characters'. ( Read more... )

movie!verse, fic, wip, sherlock holmes

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Comments 7

tabby_stardust May 1 2012, 21:59:00 UTC
Gah this is breaking my heart and I love it.

And once again you have left me craving for more. *squirms*


starlightshade May 6 2012, 14:52:52 UTC
*puts band-aid on broken heart* Hope this helps a little! There will be more soon :)


jenlee1 May 2 2012, 03:12:34 UTC
Oh, Holmes.


His POV here is heartbreaking, and almost painfully vivid. The sensory overload he's experiencing, the effort it takes to collect himself after leaving the scene... and then rationalizing the pain and confusion, as the price he's willing to pay for whatever he can have of Watson.


This continues to be wonderful - dark and angsty and fascinating, and I absolutely adore it. <3


starlightshade May 6 2012, 14:52:14 UTC
Thank you so much! I'll have more up soon :)


mme_saberage May 2 2012, 23:00:11 UTC
You are amazing. Few people even realise that you can be too confused as to recognise what you actually (don't) want, let alone describe it so beautifully.

I'm totally in love with your Holmes and his mechanisms to cope with feelings.


starlightshade May 6 2012, 14:51:38 UTC
Umm... experience. Let's leave it at that.

Thank you! He's sometimes hard to keep coherent when writing, but I love writing RDJ!Holmes. Thanks so much for reading :)


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starlightshade May 6 2012, 14:49:49 UTC
Yep, you will. We're happily marching toward destruction... or something.
More will be coming soon :)


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