[FIC]Shatter These Walls 4/?

Apr 24, 2012 20:08

So, this is faster than anticipated. I took almost four weeks writing this one, though, so I probably won't be able to post again on the weekend and am aiming for the weekend after.

I hope you're not disappointed in this chapter, it's quite the ride even if I say so. As always, the Master Horse Tamer and Incomparable Beta jg5799 has kept me on track and ( Read more... )

movie!verse, fic, wip, sherlock holmes

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Comments 7

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starlightshade April 25 2012, 15:26:25 UTC
Yep, poor boys. Going to be so mean to them. I'm so happy you liked it!

Holmes is hiding from me a little concerning the next chapter, but I'll draw him out with promises of bloody corpses... or something :) Main reason for the delay will be me fangirling over the new Avengers Assembled though.


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starlightshade April 25 2012, 19:10:03 UTC
Me too! After work with the guys. And again on Sunday with the girl friends :D (and the guys that couldn't come tomorrow)


mme_saberage April 25 2012, 14:19:27 UTC
Oh dear. There is so much I wanted to say about this chapter, and how you really don't need to be nervous about it, but somehow words fail me. Also, there are pieces of my heart scattered all over the floor, and that might be the reason.


starlightshade April 25 2012, 15:32:24 UTC
*picks up pieces of heart, dusts them off and hands them back* You'll need them for the next chapter. I'm going to be mean to Holmes and Watson again.

Really glad you enjoyed this chapter!


Tuesday, April 24th and Wednesday April 25th, 2012 livejournal April 26 2012, 01:02:14 UTC
User dancy_dreamer referenced to your post from Tuesday, April 24th and Wednesday April 25th, 2012 saying: [...] by (Watson/Lestrade | PG-13 | BBC) Shatter These Walls: Part 4 [...]


jenlee1 April 26 2012, 03:27:32 UTC
Oh, my - this is absolutely delicious. Angsty and beautiful and it hurts, in the best possible way. Well done, you!

Love the dynamic between them here, in the aftermath... with Holmes determinedly nonchalant even though he can hardly walk, and Watson hearing what he wants to hear. Just spot-on perfect, and I'm on the edge of my seat to see how the rest unfolds.

(And the smut itself, of course - GOD, YES. But that goes without saying, doesn't it? ;)

*fans self surreptitiously*

Would you mind terribly if I friended you, by the way? I don't always get to check the comms as often as I'd like, and I'd hate to miss an update. <3


starlightshade April 26 2012, 12:09:27 UTC
Thank you! *blushes* I'm still getting my creative writing groove back so it helps so much to know I'm on track.

I'd love to friend you too- sent you a request. It's hard keeping up with all the new stories coming out daily and all the beautiful, beautiful prompts on the comms. Read you soon!


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