I'm Baaaaaack

Jun 11, 2011 18:15

So, let's pretend I didn't disappear for a year and a half. Please.

Aubrey is starting to really work on some of her stuff again, and that plus seanan_mcguire being amazing and having the second Newsflesh book come out has made me really want to crack down and work on my writing ( Read more... )

projects: november skies, *aubrey, writing, writing: soundtracks, author: seanan mcguire, projects: the morani chronicles

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Comments 7

notalwaysweak June 12 2011, 05:30:07 UTC
I love the name Hannelore.

I think the thing about writing is that we can't compare ourselves to other people, you know? Everyone's got their own unique style and while Seanan did an amazing job with Deadline, you could do just as amazing a job with something you choose, and I could do just as amazing a job with my urban fantasy with succubus main character if I get my shit together and edit it properly.


starletfallen June 12 2011, 05:37:37 UTC
It's true, we can't really compare styles. But I know that I'm not as skilled a writer as she is, or Aubrey, or quite a few other writers I know personally. And that's okay with me, I just would like to FINISH something at this point.


notalwaysweak June 12 2011, 05:51:53 UTC
Finishing something's good. I'd like to finish something I like that's not fanfic. I love writing fanfic but it's not quite the same. And the first NaNo novel I did doesn't quite count because I really don't think it's anything special. it reads more like Dungeons and Dragons fanfic than anything else.


starletfallen June 12 2011, 05:57:27 UTC
Though I've won twice, I've only FINISHED once, and it was a piece of shit. It wasn't really a novel, it was just... I don't even know. An extended daydream. Twilight without the vampires. ;)


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