Mildly Cranky

Nov 07, 2005 14:42

Okay, I'm as much in favor of sporking or MS3T'ing something as the next girl from time to time. Generally though, I prefer it to be in private where every person who comes by isn't going to see it. Leaving it out often promotes wank and generally, the whole thing boils down to an argument between two different camps. Each one claims that they are ( Read more... )

rant: criticism

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Comments 13

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starkittyn November 8 2005, 00:50:59 UTC
See, I always worry when I state an opinion like this that someone reading it will think I'm pointing the finger or something like that. And, I'm really not. *hugs ( ... )


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emo_woman November 8 2005, 06:54:06 UTC

I love this. Opinions on what we should have done in the story are often meaningless. I find the technical stuff most useful, and pointers on canon, logic, plot, coherence, and characterization, of course. But plot choices? They have no right.

I so agree. I generally find myself, if I disagree with plot choices, thinking about what I'd do instead and often trying to write those differences. But, I don't have any right I dn't feel to go and tell someone else what they should do. I don't like this fandomish entitlement on either side of the writer/reader aisle.

*squeezes you*


rosie_red73 November 7 2005, 20:58:19 UTC
Personally, I'm all for constructive criticism if it's done tactfully. If I read a truly terrible fic and I'm asked to give an honest opinion on it, I'll do that. But TACTFULLY. Like, you can always find something nice about even the worst fic, so you say that first and then you offer some advice on which parts could be re-worded/re-worked to make it better. I don't see the point in saying 'it's shit, don't bother'. How is anyone supposed to get better with that kind of crit ( ... )


starkittyn November 8 2005, 00:55:04 UTC
See, exactly. I wasn't one bit unhappy that people offered me genuinely helpful advice and I was a little embarrassed that I'd left those errors there in the first place. It's entirely one thing for a person to obviously be trying to be nice and another to go through this, "I'm so much better than you act." So often, in life, not just in fandom - it seems like there are people who can't feel good about themselves if they aren't putting someone else down and I just don't think that we as a group should tolerate that behavior.

As Jax said above, yeah people aren't courteous or tactful a lot of the time.

But is that any reason for us to just ...accept it? Obviously I'm not going to change anyone with my opinion but, it's nice to say it sometimes. It doesn't take that much more effort to be kind, if you make a habit of trying to be.

*hugs you back, sneakily*


djin7 November 8 2005, 07:00:41 UTC
As usual, you make sense. *g*

Thanks, hon.


starkittyn November 8 2005, 07:08:36 UTC
I try my best, sugar. *huggles lots*


fatale November 28 2005, 03:02:08 UTC
Hi, looks like I'm late to the party. Again ( ... )


djin7 December 20 2005, 03:08:03 UTC
Dude! I need your home address/mailing address. Do you want these Higher Ground eps or not?

Let me know. Hope you're feeling better.


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