Title: Tony Stark, Relationship Guru
Author: Becca/Paul
Fandom: Eureka/Iron Man(Movieverse)
Pairings: Nathan Stark/Jack Carter, Tony Stark/James Rhodes
Rating: FRM
Warnings: iBob refuses to let me warn you.
Betas: Willow/LeiaDiane, Greg/Sam, Eddie, River
Author's Note: It's not my fault. And I don't own them, sadly.
"Sheriff, we'll be having a guest speaker coming tomorrow morning." Allison Blake smiled at Jack. "You'll need to pick him up at the GD airstrip with Dr. Stark." She ignored the glare her ex-husband had leveled at her. "He'll be arriving between 9 and 9:30 on a military jet." Jack nodded and noted the time in his phone. "You'll be picking Dr. Stark up from his house at 8:45."
"Allison, why am I needed on this little expedition?" Nathan asked, missing the flash of lust that his snarky comment inspired in the sheriff.
"Col. Rhodes requested your presence." Nathan sighed, nodding as he made a note to cancel all his appointments in the morning.
"Who exactly is this speaker, and how long will he be in town?" Jack smiled at the surprised looks coming from both Stark and Jo.
"We don't know, but he'll be here for a week at least." Allison ended the meeting, glancing at her watch to make sure she wouldn't be late for her call to the general.
~*Next Day*~
"Carter, if you insist on being late, call." Stark looked thoroughly disgruntled as he climbed into the jeep.
"I wasn't expecting to be late Stark, Sarah detained me." Stark winced before nodding in understanding. The houses AI could be demanding, and after the Brad incident no one was willing to push their luck with it.
"I talked to Allison, the speaker will be staying with you, as will I." Carter banged his head on the steering wheel.
"Why?" The single word was filled with annoyance and reluctant acceptance.
"She wouldn't tell me. She knows who the speaker is, I'd bet on it." Stark pulled on his seat belt and leaned back in the seat.
"Great, so I'm opening my insane AI house to a stranger and a snarky scientist who is barely civil with me. I must have done something really shitty in a past life."