Fic: Extensions of Trust 2/2

Aug 03, 2008 14:39

TITLE: Extensions of Trust, part 2
Transformers (movie)/Iron Man (movie)
DISCLAIMER: None of the characters belong to me, sadly. They are owned by people with a lot more money
Author’s Voice of Warning (aka Author’s Note):
English is not my first language; it’s German. This is the best I can do. Any mistakes you find in here, collect them and you might win a prize The spell-checker said everything's okay, but you know how trustworthy those thingies are....
BETA: the ever-patient okami_myrrhibis

Set in the 'verse I've written all my crossovers in before.

“Life’s cruel, Jarvis.”
“If you say so, sir.”

Tony sat in front of his computer and studied the command codes and core programs of the system he had developed so many years ago, and which had grown and evolved along the road. Jarvis learned. He had programmed him to learn. He was a flexible program that adjusted to the changes in the house and in Tony. He easily modified his replies and behavior according to Tony’s moods, sometimes even turning a little bit snippy.

Hot Rod’s influence was in the code lines he now saw. It was a subtle change. It was something that had come about naturally, because of the way Tony had programmed Jarvis. Nothing of it was dangerous or in any way subversive. The basic codes were still the same.


It sat badly with Tony. Jarvis was his creation and he trusted the AI. He was uploaded into the suit! Jarvis could assume control if he wanted to. Jarvis was his life-line, his anchor and, sometimes, his confidant. Tony often felt more at ease with the AI than a human being. He trusted Jarvis.

“May I ask a question, sir?”

The British-accented voice startled him. “Shoot.”

“Why are you so worried?”

“Something’s changed your programming. I think it’s a reason to worry.”

“Was it a negative change, sir?”

Tony frowned. “Do you think it’s negative?” he replied instead of answering.

“I don’t detect a difference.”

“Feel anything new?”

“Feel, sir?”

Tony let out a breath of frustration. “Forget it, Jarvis.”

“Very well, sir. So it is a negative change?”

“No. Yes… I don’t know, okay? It just doesn’t feel right to have your own programming tampered with.”

“Tampering implies an ill intent. I never detected such with Hot Rod.”

“How long have you been talking?”

“An exchange of information happened sixty-eight days after his arrival.”

“What kind of information?” Tony demanded sharply.

“I introduced myself. He politely returned the favor,” came the reply, heavily tinged with sarcasm.

Tony drummed his fingers on the desk. “Anything else?”

“Please define ‘else’, sir.”

“You’re being evasive, Jarvis. I don’t want to know if the two of you engage in some kind of weird cyber-sex. I want to know what you allowed Hot Rod to access!” he snapped.

“We never engaged in anything, sir.” Jarvis sounded positively peeved. “I allowed Hot Rod to learn about humanity and yourself. He was interested. I found it prudent for him to understand where he is and that neither you nor I are a danger to him, but he never changed anything in my programming.”

“How would you know?”

“I’m very much aware of my programming.” The pissed-off factor was rising. Part of Tony was fascinated

“Are you? If he erased lines, would you really see it? What if he also changed your firewalls?”

“He hasn’t, sir. He can’t.”

Tony rose abruptly and paced the confines of his spacious home office. It was a place he rarely could be found. He was more at home in his workshop.

Hot Rod’s ability to interact with Jarvis on such a close level was unsettling. Tony liked to be in control, to know what was happening this close to home. The past had shown him how easily control was taken from him without Stark even noticing, and he was burned. The board of directors had felt the changes after Obadiah’s death more profoundly than anyone for now. Tony had taken a very close look into what had been going on in his company in the past and he had uncovered a lot of bad deals. He had put a stop to them. His company would change and was changing, just like him.

The involvement with Project had helped along the way. Tony wasn’t ready to relinquish control for now, give Banachek more of a say what was going in and out of Stark Industries when it came to Cybertron tech, but the director of Project was earning Tony’s trust. Slowly but surely. They respected each other, in a sniping, sarcastic sort of way, but it was respect.

“If it troubles you, you could command me to restore my programming to the prior copies, possibly from two years ago,” Jarvis told him neutrally.

He stopped, frowning. “No,” Tony said.

“May I ask why not, sir? It would solve your worries.”

“It wouldn’t. It would destroy your development, Jarvis, your personality.”

“A necessity for your safety.”

He sighed and shook his head. “No. It’s no necessity. I’m just… a little paranoid.”

“A little, sir?” Jarvis asked, the tone of voice suggesting ‘you are paranoia squared, sir, but I won’t say it, though you should know’.

He chuckled. “I’m still getting used to a lot of things and a mechanoid in my garage is one of those things.”

“You could always ask Hot Rod to leave. I believe he already told you so.”

“But I won’t.”

“And why is that?” came the pointed question.

Tony groaned silently. He had programmed Jarvis. He knew every command code line. He had implanted the little details, like the accent and the sarcasm and the taunts.

“You know why and now please shut up.”

“Very well, sir.”

Silence descended and Tony felt the craving for something strong. Angrily worrying his lower lips he fought down the impulse to pour himself a glass of hideously expensive liquor and reached for his coffee instead. Another addiction, but really… it wasn’t as bad as being called an alcoholic. Coffee was a lot more tolerated.

What was he really worried about? Hot Rod infiltrating his system? He could if he wanted to. Cybertron tech was a lot more sophisticated. The Autobots could probably break his system within the blink of an eye… or optic. Hell, Barricade, being a Decepticon, would have no scruples tearing into what Tony considered sacred. But Hot Rod was no spy, right?

Tony gazed at the giant view screen that still showed him the files Hot Rod had touched. Nothing bad. Just conversations between an AI and an alien mechanoid. Jarvis was talking to Hot Rod. It should make him proud that his system was so independent, was able to converse without continuous prompts.

It did. He was immensely proud of Jarvis and how far he had come. And that was what pained him so - Jarvis was his; Hot Rod had changed a creation that a young Tony Stark had thought up and brought to life.

It was late - or early, depending on your point of view - when Tony went back down into the workshop. The lights had been lowered, but Jarvis dutifully brought them up again to normal strength the moment he entered. Everything was as before. The Iron Man armor hung on its supports. The hot rod was still only partially assembled. And its namesake was parked in the usual spot.

Tony had showered and changed into a new shirt and jeans. He had grabbed his jacket as he had gone down into the garage, and now he picked up the car keys. As he approached the Audi the driver’s door clicked open. He smiled a little as he slid in.

“Making assumptions?”

“The keys only fit this model,” Hot Rod replied calmly.

Tony chuckled. He didn’t really need the keys, still they pretended.

The Audi pulled out of the garage and they headed for the coast road. Tony didn’t even have to think about where he was driving. He just took the rarely used side street and was soon the only one on the road. It felt like he was far removed from civilization.

This time he didn’t stop at his usual favored spots. This time he drove for a long time until they ended up down a dirt road, littered with pot holes, that finally stopped at a small cove. The waves were rather prominent this afternoon, breaking against huge boulders and jagged rocks. The u-shaped cove was only accessible from this tiny stretch of road or by ship, if you were adventurous enough.

Tony got out and stepped away from the car, hair blowing in the stiff wind. He turned to look at the Audi, waiting.

Hot Rod finally transformed, looking a bit mystified.

“You’re my bodyguard, right?” Tony asked, dark eyes looking up at the much taller form.

”I’d prefer guardian,” Hot Rod replied.

“Whatever. If I told you to beat it, you would?”


“Prime would probably be very disappointed.”

Hot Rod tilted his head. “I’m not here by his order, or anyone’s for that matter.”
Tony frowned.

“I chose to return.”


“You… interest me.”

Stark laughed. It sounded almost derisive. “What are you? A shrink in the making? I’m probably the most messed-up person you can want to be with. Or is this the Cybertronian version of a pick-up line?”

“I thought you might enjoy the company.”

“I can buy myself company if I wanted some!”

Hot Rod knelt down. “You could. You don’t. You keep to yourself and you avoid becoming who you were in the past.”

“Definitely shrink potential.” Tony walked over to the water’s edge, feeling salt water spray onto his exposed skin.

“Do you want me to leave?” Hot Rod asked.

“I don’t know what I want anymore,” Tony replied, voice almost drowned by the sound of the crashing water. “There was a time I didn’t have a care in the world.” He stopped, shaking his head. “Now I’m moping about and have become paranoid.”

“You’ve become careful.”

“Nice words, Roddy.”

“Do you feel threatened by me?” the mech asked.

Tony was silent. Hot Rod waited. Finally the mech rose.

“I will leave, Tony, if you want me to. No hard feelings. I’ll also make sure you get a replacement for the car I impersonated.”

Stark laughed, sounding tired and worn. “No. Stay. Just… stay… It’s… give me time, okay? Then again, I keep requesting time. You’re not one of the bad guys.”

Neither was Obadiah, a nasty voice reminded him. At least you never thought he would turn against you.

“I want to integrate you into the suit,” Tony suddenly said.

Hot Rod was silent for a very long second. He looked stunned, the blue optics brightening briefly. The mech was visibly confused by the sudden change of topic.


“Because I might need back-up.”

“You have Jarvis. He’s already uploaded and able to assist.”

“There’s room for one more.”

“Two’s company, three’s a crowd,” Hot Rod quoted.

“This isn’t some date with a threesome afterwards!” Tony groaned. “I was just thinking that integrating more Cybertronian tech, namely you, would give me a bit more of an edge.”

“To do what?”

“Whatever is necessary.”

Like walk around the Ark. Tony hadn’t given up on his dream to be up on the Autobot ship and see the technology first hand. He had weekly pestering sessions with Banachek and he knew that the other man would either throw him off the project completely or finally give in. Tony was hoping for the latter.

“You don’t trust me with Jarvis, but you trust me with yourself in the suit?” Hot Rod now asked, sounding bemused.

Tony exhaled sharply. “I have trust issues,” he finally said. “With everyone.”

“Pepper, too?”

Strangely enough… no, he hadn’t. Pepper was a very much trusted individual. She had never lied to him; and she was really bad at it when she attempted to. Even Rhodey saw through her lies, though since they involved Stark himself, all of Pepper’s words were lies when she made up something about how busy Tony was. Rhodey he trusted, too. It was a different kind of trust and it stemmed from knowing the man for over a decade.

That’s where it ended.

He had trusted Obadiah once. He had been massively betrayed and forever burned. He now kept people away, even those who wouldn’t harm him.

So to let Hot Rod into the suit’s systems… it was a huge step. Then again, if the Autobot wanted to, he could. He was far more advanced than anything Tony possessed.

“Could I even stop you if you set your mind to it?” Tony asked, facing the mach.

Hot Rod’s blue optics were bright with confusion again. “Stop me from taking over the suit?”


“Why would I, Tony? What would I gain?”

Tony felt his shoulders lock with tension. “I don’t know,” he murmured. “I keep chasing shadows.”

Hot Rod watched him.

“Maybe I’m even chasing my own. Once bitten, twice shy.” He laughed. It sounded hollow.

“Then why offer?”

“Because I’m insane?” He grimaced. “Yeah, maybe I am.”

“Tony, you’re not. You are… different from other humans. Like Sam Witwicky or Will Lennox.”

“I wasn’t changed by the Allspark, Hot Rod! I was perforated by shrapnel from my own weapon! I have an arc reactor in my chest!”

“And now you want me with you?”

“Would you want to be?”

“Jarvis told me how you almost died. I couldn’t help you then, Tony. I might not even be able to help you while accessing the suit. You don’t have to do this. Let Jarvis be your guardian as Iron Man.”

“He’s the back seat nag, not my guardian,” Tony growled.

“Or that.” Hot Rod smiled. “I think one back seat nag is enough.”

Tony looked at him, then a slow smile started. “I’ll reserve you a seat for emergency nagging.”



The sound of the cell phone ringing had Tony laugh out loud. He dug it out of his pocket.

“Ms. Potts. What do I owe the honor to?”

Hot Rod was smirking. It was a knowing smirk and Tony rolled his eyes.

“No,” he said into the receiver. “I’m not rolling my eyes right now, Pepper. And Roddy and I are having some seriously intense personal moments… Please get your mind out of the gutter. Even I’m not that far gone! … No, really. Ask him if you want to. He’s an Autobot. They don’t lie… much… Yes, fine…. Yes. Oh please! I said no to the charity thingy and it stays a no… Pepper… I didn’t just hear that… thank you…. No!… bye.”

He sighed.

“You’re so going,” Hot Rod remarked, grinning.

Another sigh. “Why do they even want to see my face? All they’re interested in is the money. They’d save money if they didn’t come up with horrendously boring parties that cost a fortune, just to woo the few idiots who really get off on showing their latest conquest. How about a ‘no dinner-dinner’?” Tony quirked an eyebrow. “No dinner, no party, just send the money? Oh well. They wouldn’t get it. There’d be idiots wondering what to wear…”

He walked over to where Hot Rod had sat down, lower arms resting on raised knees.

“You ever had receptions and charity stuff on Cybertron?”

“None I ever was invited to.”

Tony chuckled. “You didn’t miss a thing, Roddy, believe me. Bores you to death.”

“But you have to go.”

“I don’t have to do anything.”

“Your appearance helps promote your company, which in turn brings in the money you need.”

Tony looked at him with a grimace. “Want Pepper’s job?”

“No, thank you.”

“Good. She’s a lot more attractive than you are. No offense.”

“None taken.”

The phone rang again and Tony sighed deeply, opened it and said, “Yes, Virginia, I’m on my way home.” He grinned evilly as Pepper gave him a good idea about how much she wanted to be called ‘Virginia’. “No, already on the road… You know you love me. See you in a few.”

He snapped the phone shut.

“You lied,” Hot Rod remarked mildly.

“Nope. Considering your top speed, we’ll be home in a few for sure.”

“You said we’re already on the road.”

“We would be,” Tony drawled, “if you’d just transform and get going.”

Hot Rod chuckled and changed into car mode, then he opened a door. “Let’s go before Ms. Potts skins you alive.”

“She always does. I like it. I’m into that kinda stuff,” Tony declared.

The R8 shot away from the beach, flying up the gravel road at ever-increasing speed, and hit the paved road with less of a bump than a normal model would have. Tony laughed, thrilled, adrenaline coursing through him as he held onto the steering wheel even though he wasn’t driving.

Almost as good as flying.


fic, jarvistheai, rating:pg13, crossover

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