sign-up; round #1

Jul 05, 2011 18:11

Welcome to starkid_land ! Before you start, you need to be sorted into a team!
There are 3 teams: Team MAMD, Team Starship, and Team A Very Potter. What team you're on does not give you any different challenges; it simply determines who you're earning points for.

There will be about 2-3 challenges a week, but you're not required to participate in all of them.
If you have any questions, please refer to this post.

To apply, please leave a comment filling out this form:

Preferred Team:
Second Choice:
Challenge Suggestions:
Where did you find out about ?:

And we'll sort you as soon as possible!
If you're interested in being a mod, please briefly describe your previous experience with land comms , if you've had experience, and tell me how you can help out with starkid_land when you submit your application.

Once you've been sorted, you will recieve an invite to join your team's community, as well as this one and skl_teamstarkid.

!sign-ups, round #1