Title: Fire and Ice
Author: starjenni
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Pairings, Characters: No pairings, Sherlock, John, Mycroft, all gen, all friendly and all adorable. Brotherly love.
Warnings: Possible catatonia, mentions of insanity.
Rating: T
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Sherlock has a strange turn and Mycroft is the only one who seems to know what's going on…
Comments 11
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I would love that Sherlock would respond to John too, but I think for the reasons that Mycroft mentions, it wouldn't work or at least would be less effective. John isn't on that wavelength with Sherlock like Mycroft is, but I think that's exactly why he is perfect for Sherlock.
Thanks for your review, I'm glad you liked it :)
So yeah, this rang very true for me. Thanks for writing it; it made me really happy to see Mycroft gently coaxing Sherlock out of it.
sheds a great new light on their brotherly relationship!
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