Title: Seventeen Years (2/2) (the continuation of the series: How Sherlock Learnt To Kiss)
Author: starjenni
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Pairings/Characters: young-modern-day age Mycroft/Sherlock. (Sherlock is 24 - 34). Also Sherlock/John at the end.
Warnings: INCEST.
Rating: Because it's incest, I'm giving it the highest one, M. This chapter has drug abuse
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Comments 7
When I finished the story I put my head down on my desk just thinking and taking in all the heartache and pain. Gah! There’s so much going on in this fic it’s almost too much to process; I will never be able to do it justice, even after rereading the entire thing, which I just did by the way.
Okay, now I’m just rambling. At any rate, please know that I think you’re an extraordinary writer. This story is pretty much the perfect Mycroft/Sherlock fic, encompassing their experiences through young and old, but if you’re ever incline to revisit them, I will happily ply you with internets and cookies and other web-based gifts. XD
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