When It Becomes Too Much 3/5

Jan 06, 2011 13:32

Title: When it Becomes too Much (3/5)
Fandom: Glee;

Pairing: Brittany/Santana

Rating: T
Disclaimer: You really think that my OT4 would waste their times with Finn and Puck if I owned Glee? 
Summary: Brittany can't take Santana dating Puck any longer
Warning: Glimpses of a bitchy Brittany, and some swearing. (oh and if you can't take S being bitchy back to B then this isn't for you either).

Part 1 / Part 2

B, can we get together for dinner tonight? Q.

I frowned and even felt a flutter of anxiety when I saw the text from Q. Going for dinner with Q was the equivalent of coming home hours after curfew and knowing you’d have to account for your absence. There was something about Q that made her almost mother S and I at times, though Santana would never admit it. And while having Q in that role was great when I had a problem I wanted advice on, it was dreadful when I knew I had done something to disappoint her. Though, that said, there was a part of me that was pleased there was someone to hold me accountable in a way my own parents had never done, so sighing I hit the reply button.

K, how’s 6 @ Mama Roma? B

“Six at Mama Roma’s?” Mike repeated behind me. “Cool. Who we meeting babe?”

I frowned in annoyance. Mike had been like this ever since I agreed to go out with him, as though he automatically expected me to take him with me everywhere.

“I’m meeting Quinn. I have to talk to her about some things.” I corrected “I’ll call you afterwards though,” I added when he made this pathetically let down face.

“k.” He agreed, looking slightly happier.

I felt bad about using him, but S would never understand what it was like for me to watch her with Puck unless I reversed our positions. I knew I was being cruel but it was the only way I could think of to get my point across, though I doubted that would fly at dinner tonight.


I headed into the restaurant trying to ignore the unease in my stomach - I wasn’t exactly scared of Quinn, though she had one sharp tongue when she wanted to, I was more just scared of having to face facts.

I found her already at a table and sat down opposite her.

“Hey B,” she greeted me with a sombre smile which I returned likewise. We browsed through the menu, making small talk about Cheerio’s and Glee, though I felt like I was on pins and needles the whole time. I could sense Quinns mood change though, the moment the waiter had taken our orders and left the table.

“So,” she began seriously, making a show of turning her full attention to me and making eye contact “You want to explain what’s going on?”

“It’s simple, Santana thinks it’s okay for her to date other guys and still be with me on the side even though I’ve asked her not to. So I’ve decided I’ll do that too, which is why I’m dating Mike. The fact that Santana can’t handle that is her problem.” It was a simplified version of what was going on, but it was still the truth.

Quinn just stared at me levelly, clearly unimpressed with my explanation and I felt my cheeks flush as a bit of guilt wormed its way in.

“I do believe Santana is rubbing off on you.” She commented dryly after a long moment.

“Well so what if she is? I’m tired of it Q.” I admitted blatantly “I’m tired of always being the nice one, of sitting by while S thinks she can justify everything with a few soft words and a kiss. Its time she got a bit of her own medicine for once.”

“And this is how you want to do it?” she demanded, though her tone was still low and even “You want to hook up with Mike just to punish her? You know Santana’s pride won’t let her concede when you try force her into something, never mind poor Mike who has no idea he’s just being used to make Santana jealous.” I had the distinct impression I had let her down in some way, and that hurt almost as much as when I had seen the look in S’s eyes when I kissed Mike in Glee.

“Of course this is not how I want to do this.” I replied “Do you not think I know how much I’m hurting her, but this is the only way to make her take me seriously.”

“No,” she corrected me “this is the easiest way to make her take you seriously.” That hurt worse than anything else she had said to me so far. She paused as though to let the weight of her words sink in before continuing. “But it’s too late to change what’s already been done so now’s the time to try repair things and move on and you need to decide how you want to do that.”

She waited patiently as I thought that through and I was interrupted only by the arrival of our food.

“I guess I should break up with Mike?” I said eventually, though it came out more as a question.

“That depends, do you want to date Mike?” Q asked gently.

“No.” I had never really liked Mike as anything but a friend, and he was starting to get on my nerves with his clinginess, and it had only been a couple of days. “But how do I fix things with S?” I added hopelessly “She was so hurt when I kissed Mike. And even if she does forgive me for that I don’t think I can keep on ‘sort-of’ dating her if she stays with Puck.”

“I can’t make that decision for you.” Quinn said, and though I knew she was right I was still a little disappointed. “Though I’m fairly certain S will forgive you for the kiss. You both need to talk it out. Give Santana the night to cool down and then go over and see her tomorrow.”

Part 4

brittana, friendship: quinn/santana/brittany, glee, when it becomes too much, friendship: quinn/santana, santana/brittany

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