Title: You Owe Me for That
Author: Stargirl888
Rating: PG-15 (Language and Themes)
Length: About 350 words
Spoilers: 2.06.
Summary: A serious drabble (I seem to be full of them at the moment), Santana’s pissed about Puck making her appear desperate.
Pairing: Puck/Santana, slight Brittany/Artie
A/N: This is just a really quick drabble to make me feel better after how pathetic the writers made Santana in this episode. It’s so short I didn’t even bother getting it beta’d but I’d still love to know your thoughts on it ;-) (Oh and does anyone know how I can find a comm for Puck/Santana?)
“You fucking owe me for that Puckerman!” Santana complained as she waltzed into her room, Puck trailing behind her.
“Hey, I thought you liked being thought of as the school slut.” He pointed out defensively.
“I like coming off as a slut because it’s good for my reputation, I don’t like coming off as pathetic and desperate, which is exactly how I appeared thanks to your stupid plan.” She retorted while dumping her bag in the corner of her room and spun around to face him.
“You didn’t have a problem when I asked you to do it yesterday.”
“That was because yesterday you said is ‘San, I need you to get Brit to agree to go out on a date with Artie so my probie doesn’t toss me back into juvie.’ And I said fine, as long as we double with them - nowhere in that conversation did you mention you’d make us look like pathetic bottom feeders who wait around for guys to deign to go out with us.”
“Yeah,” Puck sighed, running his hand over the back of his neck nervously - sure he was badass, but Santana had kicked his ass before and he wouldn’t put it passed her to do it again “I just thought it’d boost the dudes confidence.”
“Well next time find another way to do it.” She retorted, effectively ending the argument.
“Fine, whatever. It’s not like there’s not a million other girls out there trying to get with me.” Puck shrugged smugly, a mischievous glint entering his eyes as he sensed the argument was over.
“Jackass.” Santana cursed, rolling her eyes, though a small smile pulled at her lips at Pucks predictability as she sauntered across the room, his hands automatically finding her ass as she pressed herself against him. “Now, you still have a lot of making up to do for the time you were in juvie.” She husked, leaning up to capture his lips.