Drabble: The One

Oct 17, 2010 22:25

Title: The One
Pairing: Quinn/Santana  (Friendship or Romantic depending on interpretation)
Rating: K
Length: About 150 words (It is a drabble after all)
Spoilers: 1.02
Summary: Santana
WARNING: Seriously short, but otherwise none.
A/N: This came to me and I just had to write it down. Comments are appreciated.

Santana Lopez, the one who hurled insults at the blond in the hall, but who also held the blond the night her pregnancy was confirmed. She was the one who laughed as Quinn’s hormones got the better of her and she burst into tears when Tina stepped on a spider, and the one who smirked and showed off every time the ex-captain watched a Cheerio practice, but she was also the one who personally hunted down and delivered revenge to every single person who dared slushie the girl. She was the one who replaced Quinn, the one everyone expected the pregnant girl to hate and yet, she was the one the blond girl loved above all else, the one Quinn went to when it all became too much and the one who told her to buck up, because nothing ever improved by whining about it.

drabble, glee, friendship: quinn/santana, pairing: quinn/santana

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