A Howling in the Factory Yard (christiansands) (.avi, 17.65MB),
(.wmv, 29.36MB) Fandom / Pairing: Stargate SG1, AU, Cam Mitchell/Jack's clone
Broken Wings Book 2: A Howling in the Factory Yard and (some, in the vaguest sense) for
Broken Wings Book 3: Roll With It (WIP)Warnings: First and foremost, this will spoil the fic. Please read the story first! Second, now that you've read the story, this is a very eye-centric video. If that squicks you, beware. Third, there is adult content where it's pretty obvious what's going on, so: not work-safe! Fourth, implied dubcon/noncon, torture.
Footage: SG1 (Fragile Balance, The Abyss, Avalon, Continuum), Supernatural, Sabre and Zeph
Music: Christiansands by Tricky feat. Martina Topley Bird
Jack O'Neill: Richard Dean Anderson
J.D. Nielson: (SG1 canon) Michael Welch, (Howling) Jared Padalecki (no, really: here, have a look at
young RDA. Scary, isn't it? I would *so* have used that footage if only J.D. were musically inclined... or prone to white trousers....)
Cameron Mitchell: Ben Browder
Spencer Griffith: Jensen Ackles (apologies: he looks too damn much like Browder... their clips just blur right together)
Ba'al/Kevin Balim: Cliff Simon
Japanese Notes: I used 狗子仏性 / 無, from the Buddhist story where 一人の僧が趙州和尚に問うた。「狗子に還って仏性有りや無しや」趙州和尚は答えた。「無」... "Does a dog have Buddha nature or not have it?"; the answer being "Mu", which means 'no' and also 'yes' and also 'stop trying to force the world into boxes and definitions' and might also be a pun on barking.... The point being, insofar as I know (and I am not a Buddhist), that the Buddha nature is everything, but that *awareness* of it is essential for enlightenment; but also, that focussing on *possession* (as if it were an object) is to miss the point entirely. Buddha nature is what you do with what you have: it's not a game of have/have not. AFAIK, YMMV. (A similar story which I wanted to use is 柏樹子仏性/有, in which a disciple asks whether an oak tree has Buddha nature, and the answer is yes; "So when will the oak tree become a Buddha?" - "When the heavens fall to earth. (虚空が大地に落ちてくる時を待て)" "When will the heavens fall to earth?" - "When an oak tree becomes a Buddha.(柏樹子が成仏する時にきまっているじゃないか)" *g*) I felt this tied in with the issues of identity in the story, where each character had at least one 'double' who was and yet was not himself. And it gave me many fun moments of wondering whether the Gou'ald have Buddha nature (I like Ba'al with a third eye... it suits him *warped smile*).
Vid Notes: Made with Windows Media Maker and WinXP. Fun new glitches appeared, such as the spontaneous mid-clip deletion of effects (thanks to the Kawhoosh community for assistance) and the inability to play previews, which meant that this vid was made by the fun process of timing *everything* to the music via guesswork, and saving the file repeatedly to see if it worked. I made the vid black and white to make the source footage go together, and also because it made some things much more disturbing. I'm not a big Supernatural fan at all, and I really don't know how jarring it will be for SPN fans to see what I did with their boys. It might prove to be insurmountably jarring. If so, apologies....
Whoops moments: I'm pretty sure that it's not canon for JD to wear clear nail polish. Or Cam to wear handcuffs. Whoops.