Under A Broken Moon by Dith (NC-17)

Jan 02, 2008 22:10

Rec Category: Jack O'Neill
Pairing: Jack/Rodney (also Daniel/Rodney, Teyla/John)
Category: slash, het, angst, drama, hurt/comfort, AU, SG1/SGA crossover, longfic
Warnings: het, slash, character death, domestic violence, reference to rape
Author on LJ: raqs
Author's Website: dith fic
Link: Under A Broken Moon

Why This Must Be Read:

So, it's a novella-length fic which is a sequel to someone else's fic, set in an AU of an AU, and the major slash pairing is Jack O'Neill/Rodney McKay ... wait, where are you going? Come back ...

Okay, some quick background: once upon a time, some fine people invented Pegasus B, an AU in which (among other changes) Daniel Jackson didn't get recruited by the Stargate program until the Atlantis expedition (when his on-off college ex, Rodney McKay, got him aboard). And many excellent writers came to play in this sandpit.

Then an AU of the AU was invented, in which the expedition reached Atlantis to discover that Ba'al got there first. And tafkarfanfic wrote the stunning (and very dark, dark like triple espresso dark) Dark Moon, High Tide -- and you need to read that first, but I'll rec it any day (warnings for character death and rape).

Really. Go read it. I'll be right here.

But in this category, I particularly want to rec raqs's sequel to it, Under A Broken Moon, because of its marvellous Jack characterization.

This is a story about survival after trauma, as all the characters fracture along the stress lines left by the events of the previous story, and try, with greater or lesser success, to reassemble their lives. raqs's Jack is one of the best, quietest depictions of untreated depression I've seen in fic, hidden under the snarky and funny and kind and tough, the person who holds everyone else together until one day he just can't hold himself together any more.

And yes, Jack/Rodney evolves -- and in this story, it comes to seem like a consummation devoutly to be wished.

If it's a freezing cold night where you are too, and a big satisfying read that mixes angst and psychological drama and action-adventure and rich, loving characterization of a huge cast seems like it might hit the spot, you couldn't do better than this double-bill.

character: daniel jackson, character death, het, drama, angst, character: john sheppard, alternate universe/timeline, pairing: jack/other, pairing: rodney/other, character: jack o'neill, sg-1/sga, slash, hurt/comfort, character: teyla emmagan, pairing: daniel/rodney, character: rodney mckay

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