The Tell-Tale Pants, by Kellifer (PG)

Jul 16, 2007 21:57

Rec Category: Team

Pairing: none
Categories: team, gen, Jack O'Neill, Thor, drama, humor, hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: kellifer_fic
Author's Website: links to master fic lists on her profile page
Link: The Tell-Tale Pants

Why This Must Be Read: Told with a delightfully in-character Jack POV, The Tell-Tale Pants gives us the team in crisis, with Jack hosting a Goa'uld and the self-destruct on their ship counting down to zero. How is SG-1 going to get themselves out of this mess?
There are leather pants and zats and Thor and snarking and a team that knows its leader wonderfully well for a final humorous twist. This fic is fun teamy goodness at its very best!

Jack has three weapons pointed at him by the three most trusted and loved people in his life, five minutes till his ship’s self-destruct goes off and so far as he knows, no one riding to the rescue.

All he can think is, ah hell.

team, character: jack o'neill, gen, humor, drama, hurt/comfort, character: thor, sg-1

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