Must Have Learned Them From A Million Stars by Minervacat (PG)

Apr 12, 2007 09:59

Rec Category: Sam Carter
Pairing: none
Category: Sam and Daniel friendship, Sam Carter, Daniel Jackson, character study, sg-1
Warning: none
Author on LJ: minervacat
Author's Website: When the Floods Roll Back
Link: Must Have Learned Them From A Million Stars

Why This Must Be Read:
This story was posted yesterday and is an absolute work of art. Minervacat gives us insights into how Sam operates in the world that ring stunningly true and, through Sam's observations, similar insights into Daniel and the rest of SG-1. This is Sam and Daniel - two people who've been through more than should be humanly possible, who know each other impossibly well, and yet have so much they've never talked about. The emotion in the story is palpable - happy, sad, and bittersweet as the team that held them together for eight years is finally splitting up and they prepare to move on.

Between season 8 and 9, with Jack already in Washington and Teal'c already with the Jaffa, Sam and Daniel enjoy one final meal together before they too head their separate ways. The ensuing conversation has been long in the making, and yet comes too soon while emotions are still too raw. By the end you truly feel everything they've gone through and how much they're going to miss each other, and yet know that they're strong enough to face what's coming and that even the separation of galaxies can never truly split the team apart.

I can't say enough good things about this fic. Seriously, go read it.

Sam learned a long time ago that people aren't quantifiable, that they can't be subjected to the rules of mathematics, the laws of physics. Daniel tells her differently -- Daniel told her differently, Daniel will continue to tell her differently until one of them dies -- but that's because Daniel believes in sociology, in the idea that if he watches everyone around him for long enough, he will understand why they do what they do.

Sam has never believed in sociology. She believes in mathematics, in solving the unsolvable problem. She believes in the stars and the way the earth shakes in California. She stopped believing in people a long time ago, because other than SG-1, everyone she's ever loved has left.

Sometimes her teammates have left her, too, and she's never known if that was better or worse.

Daniel thinks that people will give him answers. Sam knows that everyone around her is a mystery, a complex bundle of secrets and desires and things they'll never say out loud. She knows more about her teammates than she knows about most people, but she doesn't always know why they do what they do. Why they've done what they've done. Daniel thinks there are black and white answers, and the right questions will get him the right answers.

She doesn't know if the right answers are the answers that he wants to hear.

character: daniel jackson, friendship: daniel and sam, character study, character: samantha carter

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