March reccers: volunteer post

Feb 22, 2017 11:28

This entry will be open to volunteers through February 28th. The official list of monthly reccers will be posted on the first day of March.

Comment with the username you'll be using to rec and the category you want, choosing a category from the list below or selecting a more rare category that has been used in the past. If you want to rec a ( Read more... )

volunteer post

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Comments 5

respoftw February 22 2017, 19:11:33 UTC
Hi, I've never volunteered here before but there's a first time for everything!

I'm wondering if I could volunteer to rec some Ronon/Rodney fic?


sg_fignewton February 23 2017, 08:56:05 UTC
New reccer, yay!

It's perfectly fine to claim a category that isn't listed. Especially as that means you'll be offering recs of a new flavor. :)

Don't forget to join the comm, so you can get posting privileges when March begins.


goddess47 February 23 2017, 00:58:28 UTC
I still have some Jack O'Neill fic in the queue... ;-) I'll do that again!


mific February 23 2017, 12:25:04 UTC
I'd like to do 'Road Trips', but that's not a category so I think call it 'John Sheppard' as he'll be in all of them :)


patk February 28 2017, 19:06:26 UTC
Since Mific already has the Sheppard-category for this month, I think I'll go with Ronon Dex as a character. :-)


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