The Adventures of Rodney McKay's Magical Healing Cock by sardonicsmiley (PG)

May 19, 2015 19:24

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Rodney McKay
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ensemble
Pairings: None
Categories: Gen, Humour
Warnings: Crack, copious mentions of male genetalia
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author's Website: no more tears
Link: The Adventures of Rodney McKay's Magical Healing Cock

Why This Must Be Read: You mean the title itself isn't ( Read more... )

humor, character: rodney mckay, gen

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Comments 7

popkin16 May 20 2015, 23:32:25 UTC
I am a McShep OTP'er, so I don't usually read fics where Rodney and/or John are with others, so I've avoided this fic. You make me want to read it, now!


morena_evensong May 20 2015, 23:57:25 UTC
Lol, sweet! Although, it's not even so much that they're with other people here, but rather that they're not with each other. There's just absolutely zero romance period.


popkin16 May 21 2015, 08:18:28 UTC
Oh, I don't mind a lack of romance - I read gen fic (though admittedly it does tend to focus on John and Rodney). I just don't want to read fic about them with others, which is what put me off. It's silly, I know, and I'm missing out on great fic, but I can't help myself.


morena_evensong May 22 2015, 02:01:45 UTC
Lol, I get that. I'm a bit more flexible on pairings, especially in this fandom, but I can understand getting put off a good story because it's not your OTP. (although I'm extremely confused as to what that has to with anything here, because this IS a Gen story with no pairings...).


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