Apply When Needed by (Cesare) almostnever

Jul 30, 2014 15:14

Show: SGA

Rec Category: Sheppard/McKay
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay
Categories: slash, first time, romance, h/c
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: almostnever
Author's Website: almostnever
Link: Apply When Needed

Why This Must Be Read: It's sweet and warm and a total feel good story.

snippet )

romance, hurt/comfort, slash, first time, character: john sheppard, sga, pairing: john/rodney, character: rodney mckay

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Comments 3

popkin16 July 30 2014, 06:54:41 UTC
I can't place this one immediately XD Perhaps I haven't read it. I look forward to it, though! Cesare is amazing.

Thank you for the rec!


annieb1955 July 30 2014, 07:01:37 UTC
I hope it's new to you. I just stumbled across it this morning when I needed some warm and sweet and loved it.


popkin16 July 31 2014, 04:11:47 UTC
Turns out I had read it before, but it's amazing, so I didn't mind the re-read :D


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