Wild Blue Yonder, by Geonn Cannon (G)

Jun 11, 2008 22:02

Rec Category: Jack and Teal'c friendship
Pairing: none
Categories: Jack and Teal'c friendship, Jack O'Neill, Teal'c, gen, episode related
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: geonncannon
Author's Website: Geonn Cannon
Link: Wild Blue Yonder

Why This Must Be Read: Geonn Cannon gives us a truly beautiful look into Teal'c's mind in the prelude to Tangent, as he takes the X-302 out on its maiden flight before buzzing the observers at the airfield. You will love Teal'c's commune with the planet that he has never truly witnessed alone - its mountains and farmland, the sea and the orcas, even his pleasure at sharing the skies with ordinary commercial plane. And through it all, there is the solid comfort of Jack: his presence in the cockpit at the beginning, and his voice over the radio.

This enchanting solo flight and Teal'c's personal conclusions only enhance the poignancy of the events that follow in the episode. This fic is a marvelous peek into Teal'c and his commitment to the Tau'ri - both planet and people.

He watched O'Neill hurry across the tarmac to where the rest of SG-1 was waiting with Major Davis. The man from the tower spoke into his earpiece and Teal'c responded with the pre-flight check. Everything was in order, so he powered up the engines. He saw O'Neill lift a radio to his mouth and, a moment later, heard the man's voice crackle into his helmet. "Let's see what this bad boy can do, eh, Teal'c?"

"As you wish, O'Neill." He powered the thrusters and the ship barreled down the runway. An instant after pushing forward, the base and his teammates were far behind. He took the ship into a steep climb, ordered to stay above cloud cover as much as possible lest the unusual ship be spotted by nosy civilians. The clouds washed over the cockpit cover like lace curtains, pulling back to reveal a clear, crisp blue sky.

friendship: jack and teal'c, episode related, gen

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