The Themed Challenge

Sep 09, 2013 13:36

So this is the final challenge and it's a little different to normal. I'm providing six themes for you to choose from, feel free to interpret them as literally or loosely as you like. You can make ANY kind of artwork that you like for any number of the themes. That's icons, picspams, wallpapers, banners, headers, posters, love bars and anything else you can think of! Vids are also welcome! There are no minimum or maximum requirements. If you want to make one icon, that's perfectly fine. If you suddenly get the urge to make twenty wallpapers, that's also fine - and wow, go you! :)

Themes to choose from:
Life, the Universe and Everything
The End of an Era

Due date: September 30th 2013

Post either your artwork or a link to a post on your LJ or on sgc_social as a comment to this post. For general rules of how to submit, please check this post here.

Make sure to ask any questions in the Questions thread below. Have fun!
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