Nomen 28/? - PG-13 - BTVS/SG-1  

Jan 17, 2009 12:46

Title: Nomen
Author: VampieGirl
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me! They belong to people with way more money than me.
Author's Notes: Again much thanks to Patience my beta who really is. Nomen has been nominated for best-unfinished crossover in the COA awards at Twisting The Hellmouth.
Summary: Daniel is kidnapped from his apartment, the only witness is a girl impaled on his wall.

Previous parts Here

“If you’re going to go, now would be the time.” Maria ground out between teeth clearly clenched in pain. “I can’t hold her off for long.”

“What just happened?” The general asked.

“I’d say that Will’s patience has run out.” I added, realising that the bag with our weapons was in our room.

“The First knows what we’re trying to do,” Dawn hissed while gathering up her books and papers.

“GO!” Mary yelled as blood began to trickle out of her nose.

“What have we got to lose?” I said as the mountain shook again and Mary screamed, her eyes turning solid black. She had a death grip on the table. “We can either stay and die or we can crack open your stargate thingy, hopefully save the world and I’m all for saving the world.”

The General was speaking to someone on the phone. “Have they breached the perimeter? How many?” The colour drained from his face. “Hold them back as long as possible…Major…Major?”

“Jack, we really don’t have another option,” Daniel explained.

“Bloody hell, get going. We’ll hold them off for as long as we can.” Spike growled his face morphing between human and demonic.

The next few minutes were a blur as we rushed to the stargate, grabbing weapons and stuff on the way. Colonel Jack gave me a strange look as I readied the P-90 he gave me; soldier boy’s memories were good for some things and it was easier to listen to him when I was running on adrenaline and fear. Okay, mostly fear at this point.

Major Carter was hastily doing something to the computer, which made the stargate light up.

There was piercing shriek and then deadly silence. Mary had lost. A gentle breeze started up.

I felt the breeze like ants crawling over my skin as the magic built.

Willow’s coming.

I turned and looked up at the window where the General was looking down on us. He turned sharply to his left, horror etched on his face as Willow approached. A sergeant fired a few rounds at her unsuccessfully. They just bounced off of her. The poor airman was blasted through the glass. He landed near me with a sickening thud and made no more noise. The glass tinkled as Willow leaned against window to survey the scene.

“Go!” Colonel Jack yelled as gunfire was heard in the corridors.

Dawn thrust the book we had previously used against Willow at me. “I spelled it out, you just have to read it.” Dawn flung her arms around me in a fierce hug. “Don’t die!” She ordered firmly.

“Move!” I yelled. I wanted to say ‘Right back at ya,’ but we didn’t have the time.

“We have to go NOW!” Daniel yelled, grabbing Dawn by the arm and dragging her through the Stargate. I turned to see Willow flying down from the control room. Magic arched from her hands to the stargate and the waterish stuff I could see in the gate began to boil and then erupted outward.

.sg1, tv - btvs, .ficpost

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