FIC: Road to Pegasus (3/4) - SGA/SV

Sep 02, 2006 18:20

Title: Road to Pegasus - Part 3/4
Author: Lyl
Rating: PG
Fandoms: Stargate:Atlantis & Smallville (small bits of SG-1)
Disclaimer: I don't own either Stargate (SG-1 or Atlantis) or Smallville, and never claimed to.
Summary: A journey begins.
Episode: Rising (1.01 & 1.02)

Part One
Part Two


One more step.

Just one more step forward through the shimmering event horizon, and she would be on her way. Away from the constant paranoia, always looking over her shoulder, wondering if he would find her today. She was going to the Pegasus Galaxy, where it was safe - relatively speaking, anyways. This was a bold new step for humanity, and she was a part of it.

But she was also leaving behind something more precious than anything else. Family. Once she stepped through that event horizon, it would almost certainly be the last time she saw Earth. She’d accepted that fact already, and would only miss those few who weren’t coming, a couple of Generals in particular - at least, that’s what she kept telling herself. Maybe she was in denial about the entire situation, but she’d deal with that later.

She really would miss her Grandfather. He’d become the centre of her universe since that day in the hospital, and didn’t know how she would cope without his steadying presence in her life. Colonel Sumner in no way compared, something she knew he was aware of, but understood.

Turning to face the person she knew was in the control room, Chloe held his eyes with her steady gaze, raising a hand in farewell, and turned to take that final step with her small team.

Then suddenly - COLD!

COLD. RUSHING. PULLING. Like riding a rollercoaster blindfolded. Out of control.

Her foot hit solid ground, and Chloe pulled herself away from the Carnival Ride of Horror. And into Atlantis.

Her eyes flicked around the crowded gateroom, taking in all the activity and equipment, even as she raised her P-90 to sweep in front of her. Straight ahead was Colonel Sumner, and she raised a hand to him, indicating they were the last to come through.

“Ok, that’s everyone.” Sumner informed Weir, as the small four-person security team moved from in front of the Stargate.

Chloe vaguely heard Dr. Weir officially found the Atlantis base, even as her body moved to secure every angle around her. The adrenaline had been pumping since before entering the SGC gateroom, and made her even more aware of her surroundings as she checked out her new home.

The sudden silence garnered her attention, as the Gate closed behind them, cutting them off from Earth and the SGC. From everything she’d ever known. Her heart began to pound even more at the realization that she was really and truly trapped on another planet. In another Galaxy. With no way home. She was alone with mostly strangers, in an ancient city - if this was even Atlantis. This might be another, larger outpost than the one on Earth. This entire expedition might be for nothing, if the Ancients left this place as they had the outpost on Earth.

They were lost. Alone. No help. In a completely alien world. Hell, ‘galaxy’ even.

She heard voices flowing through the COM-link in her ear, but nothing penetrated the rushing of blood in her ears. She was starting to panic. She knew it, even as she knew there was no way to stop.

Movement in her field of vision caught her attention, and she swung her gaze to the solid form still in the middle of the gateroom. Sumner caught her eyes with his, his calm regard steadying her as nothing else could have.

Nothing showed on his face, only the calm of a seasoned soldier showed in his eyes. A steadiness which he seemed to pass to her without a word.

Blinking rapidly, Chloe took a few breaths to regain her balance before nodding in his direction. A silent ‘thank you’ he reciprocated in kind.

“Team Four, secure the Stargate and immediate area.” Sumner voiced across the open com. “The rest of you, I want teams of 2 or more to search the city. Report any activity.”

Chloe watched as he made his way to her group, the short span enough time for her to regain control.

“What do you need, Captain?” he asked her. She knew he meant in terms of space and man power, and paused before answering. She’d only had a few moments to process what had happened, and most of that time had been taken up with a minor panic attack. Correction, *major* panic attack that had only been pushed to the back burner, but would be making an extraordinary comeback in the near future. However, as she stopped to really take in their situation, Chloe tried not to be overwhelmed. From what the teams had already reported, they had an almost fully functional city at their disposal.

Which it was now her job to set up and get running efficiently.

Before another panic attack could threaten her outwardly-calm demeanor, she forced herself to prioritize.

“Find me lab space.” she told the marine Colonel. “I can get the scientists and half this equipment out of the way.”

“Anything else?” he asked even as he regarded her carefully, most likely checking to see if she would lose it - again.

“I’d rather wait and see what we have to work with.” Chloe informed him, hoping to reassure him with her own stare.

Silence reigned for a full minute before he nodded, apparently satisfied with what he saw.

“I’ll let you know if we find anything.” he said before looking around at the rapidly emptying gateroom. “See if you can’t round up the civilians - keep them from wandering too far into the unknown.”

“I’ll do what I can, sir.” she replied, watching as he turned and followed two of his own marines away from the Stargate. Turning to the three people who stood silently behind her, she noticed the uneasy looks on all their faces and felt some tension ease from her shoulders.

She wasn’t the only one who was scared of this unknown city and their uncertain future.

“Let’s go. Pair up and try to reign them in. Without shooting them.” Chloe added, staring directly at Sgt. Mitchell, well aware of who she needed to keep an eye on. While only half in jest, her stare conveyed the seriousness of her words, which were received with a nod of understanding.

And that’s when her own understanding hit - when Chloe actually saw them relax at her calm and controlled words. In his own way, Colonel Sumner had just taught her an invaluable lesson about leading others. She needed to be strong in the face of the unknown, because others drew their strength from her. If she fell apart, so did her team and those under her command and around her.

Strong and calm in the face of adversity.

She would make her grandfather proud.


Ninety minutes later, and Chloe was faced with her biggest challenge yet.

“. . . Bates with me. You’re in command until we get back.” Sumner informed her as he checked his combat vest for extra ammunition and supplies. The pair of them were off to the side of the gate as Teams One and Two geared up for an unplanned off-world mission.

“Anders will be your liaison with the rest of the teams, but I want you to be prepared to evacuate these people if necessary. Once we step through that Gate, I’m trusting in you to keep everybody safe. Understood, Captain?”

“Yes, sir. Good luck, Colonel.”

A nod was her only reply as he turned to join Peter Grodin and the others at the base of the Stargate.

She could do this, Chloe told herself. They wouldn’t be gone that long, and then Colonel Sumner would be back to take command of the military contingent.

No problem.

End Three

(x-posted to crossoverfic & lyl_devil)

.sg1, .sga, .ficpost, tv - smallville

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