Story Title: Not a Moment Before, Not a Moment After
Character/Relationships: Radek Zelenka
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Radek’s day didn’t truly begin until something went wrong and Rodney blamed him. Not being asleep had nothing to do with beginning the day. Neither did the breakfast he skipped or the polite good morning he received from Colonel Carter along with the smile she gave that unfailing fried every circuit in his brain.
The route through the corridors he could walk blind was just long enough to mend his head and grace the lab with the necessary wits to deal with the fresh new crisis he would somehow cause.
He stuck himself behind a console and got to work running diagnostics and monitoring streams of data and he would do that until something went wrong.
“Zelenka this is McKay. Come in.”
Radek tapped his earpiece. “Here Rodney.” A sheet of numbers scrolled down the screen in front of him and he squeezed shut his eyes as Rodney proceeded to tell him what wasn’t working and how it had to be his fault and that he had better get over to the control room.
With the first crisis averted, Rodney would leave on mission and something else would go wrong. Of course, even hundreds and hundreds of light years away, Radek was responsible for whatever malfunction occurred.
“I thought you said you finished maintenance on this Jumper!”
Radek watched the rippling even horizon from the control room and folded his arms. “I did.”
“And did you actually finish or did you just say you did? Because those are two very different things, and one of them is likely to get us all killed!”
A gruelling hour later John Sheppard and his team returned in the Jumper still alive and Carter commended him for his good work. The smile she gave was the compliment to a hand firmly squeezing his shoulder. That kind of deadly cocktail sent him straight to the Infirmary.
“You know, you’ve been getting at awful lot of these headaches lately.” Jennifer dropped two tablets into his palm and handed him a cup of water. A full scan never revealed anything, and it never would.
He tossed the tablets and chugged a mouthful of water.
Jennifer smirked. “Rodney getting to you?”
Radek snorted pityingly at himself. “Something much worse.”
The day only ended when Rodney decided Radek was useless and he’d be able to work faster without other people’s help. But in the next minute the man had clean forgotten he’d said so, and Radek was still there in the lab hours later until Rodney looked up, and in his characteristically bewildered tone, would say,
“You’re still here?”
“Yes, Rodney.”
“Well go. I’m fine here. Go.” Rodney waved his hands at him like he was trying to expel the dust from a rug. It was time for bed.
“Rodney finally throw you out?”
Radek stopped midstep and turned like a dancer on his heel. Colonel Carter had walked by from the intersecting corridor.
“The perfect end to my day.” He smiled at her.
Sam smiled at him. This time, there was the charming hum of her amusement behind it. “Goodnight.”
Radek felt his heart fail to beat. “Goodnight, Colonel.”
Story Title: Forever
Character/Relationships: Sheppard, Rodney, Ronon, OCs
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: OC death hinted at
Restless waves crashed against gleaming walls while the glowing under belly of Atlantis continues on.
Sheppard awoke to a banging on his door and resisted groaning as he raised his head and thought it open to show Ronan. “Hey, buddy, you could just use the alarm,” Sheppard spoke. Ronan just looked at him until Sheppard caved, got ready for their mourning run, and off they went.
After their usual three mile run, Sheppard dragged himself into the shower to get ready for the rest of his day. A day that would most likely be uneventful with only one team scheduled to go off world. At least he could spend his time avoiding his paper work and hang over Rodney’s shoulder just to rile him up.
“You idiot, are you trying to get us all killed?! This is the second time you activated Ancient technology without following the proper guidelines, it’s almost as if you are deliberately trying to kill us all. Oh god or maybe you’re just trying to kill me. That’s it, your jealous of my genius so you’re out to get me!” Rodney screeched at a cowering scientist just fresh off of the Deadalus just as Sheppard entered the room.
Rodney turned to him “Sheppard! It’s not enough for them to riddle me with incompetence any more, now they are actually trying to kill me!” The scientist quickly escaped while Rodney’s attention was focused else ware.
Sheppard smiled at Rodney, “Hey, I doubt they are trying to kill you. Everyone makes mistakes.” Rodney glared back at him, “Well, that one is going back to earth. Mistakes will kill you out here.” Sheppard agreed silently.
The waves continued rolling against the walls but Atlantis stayed strong.
“Colonel Sheppard,” sounded in John’s ear after he left Rodney’s lab. “Go ahead, control,” Sheppard responded. “Sir, Captain Hemway’s team has missed their check in.” Hemway’s team had gated out the evening before to P22-4545 to investigate the planet’s rather diverse nocturnal animal life. The plant was supposed to be uninhabited but Sheppard was taking no chances.
“Get a squadron of Marines plus AR-1 ready for departure within an hour,” Sheppard responded quickly before ending communication with control. Since it was the Pegasus galaxy he had no qualms about the excessive amount of force he was bringing to P22-4545 was needed.
Red, orange, yellow, and purple streaks were pushing out the inky blackness weighing him down. He heard muffled shouts close by that he tried to focus on, but failed. “Rodney?” Sheppard tried to push out of his mouth that was filled with cotton “Teyla? Ronon?” The blackness pushed him down again.
John opened his eyes the next time to the harsh glare of the infirmary. The memories of what happened on P22-4545 came rushing back. Gating to the planet. The nocturnal, humanoid like creatures tearing though their defenses. Captain Hemway’s team minus one and the following, but failed, attempt to rescue Doctor Livermore.
John turned his head, searching out for the rest of his team. A nurse noticed the motion and hurried over, “Colonel Sheppard please be still, we nearly lost you several times,” she tutted over him. “ team...” John managed to push out. “They are fine. Now, you need to rest,” she spoke then tucked the blanket tighter before walking away.
John didn’t have a problem with that order and let his eyes slide shut.
Atlantis will forever ignore the pounding of the waves while forever protecting the people she holds.
Story Title: The Captured Song and Dance
Character/Relationships: Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, John
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Rodney winced as he tried to move his injured arm, but as excruciating as the pain was, he didn't think it was broken. Close, though, he'd been worried it was going to snap: those Wraiths drones had grips like steel. Teyla came over to check and Rodney let her until she tried to move it.
"Ow! Stop it! Don't you think I've had enough mistreatment already?" he hissed through clenched teeth.
"I am sorry, Rodney. Just let me..." Teyla said, still assessing the damages, though more carefully this time.
"Buck up, McKay," Ronon grumbled from his sprawl on the floor where he was starting to shake off the paralysis of a Wraith stunner.
Something unclenched in Rodney's chest at seeing he was alright. One day, Ronon would snarl a bit too much and he would end up dead. Also Rodney was worried that the repetitive stuns could be bad for him, built like a house or not; thank god Zats were relegated to the Milky Way.
"Oh, I am so sorry I'm not as tough as you, Mister Stoic," Rodney said. "Speaking of people with ridiculously high pain thresholds, why did they keep Sheppard?"
He hated when they were separated. Especially when it was after being captured by Wraith. Luckily Rodney didn't have to worry for long because he could hear the Colonel being led towards them.
"Come on, guys, it's not because your Queen doesn't have a sense of humor that you have to be like this!" John was saying, drawl and cadence custom fitted for extra taunting. Another one who would go too far one day.
But it was part of the Colonel John Sheppard act: so familiar that it made Rodney relax a little bit more and breathe more easily. They had been through the song and dance of being captured often enough that a well honed routine now slipped into place when it happened (fucked up? hell yes). There was always, always a smartass remark or twelve to the bad guys, whoever they might be. You could count on that, definitely. Part of the whole posturing and you-don't-scare-me-and-will-never-break-me show of strength by one cocky Colonel.
The net-like door opened just enough so John could be pushed through the opening, stumbling a little. To Rodney's relief he didn't look too damaged, save from a bruise high on a cheekbone.
"Nice of you to join us, Colonel," Rodney said as the guards turned and left. Rodney had his part in this play and knew how to make it efficient; he had to prove he was holding it together to keep John from losing his shit. "As you can see, they put us in the VIP cells once again."
It made John smile, visibly reassured.
"We should ask for frequent guests points," he said right back, before kneeling by Ronon, helping him to sit up. "You okay, big guy?"
"Yeah," Ronon said. "I'm ready to go."
John got up, exchanged meaningful glances with Teyla - probably over his condition - and then went to examine the cell. Rodney chalked that one on military training, having to assess the room even if there was nothing more like a Wraith cell than another Wraith cell. May it be on a hive ship or a prison on a backward planet, once reassured his Team was mostly intact, Sheppard would make a meticulous sweep of the room.
"We're all ready to go," Rodney said once it was done, with predictably no new development to be of any help. "I say we should get out of here before they send some close guards and thwart our escape act."
"The Wraiths are indeed far enough to make an attempt," Teyla said, eyes closed and tapping into the hive's consciousness.
"Great," John said. "Let's get this party rolling!"
"On it," Ronon said, fishing out a thin blade from one of his dreads.
Rodney, who had seen the Wraiths search him meticulously, could not help but grin. Take that, suckers, they were almost home free.
"The Incredible Satedan Houdini strikes again!" he said and Ronon winked at him, before throwing the knife in the door panel on the other side of the corridor.
And just like that they were out in the hive and falling into their usual formation, ready to break havoc. Rodney would find and disable the ship's system, his friends would protect him while he did so, and then John would steal a dart to bring them home. All in a day's work.
Rodney could have lived without the hurt arm, though. He'd make sure that the hive blew up in the biggest ball of fire of all, just because.
Story Title: Jaded
Character/Relationships: Rodney McKay, Carson Beckett
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
“Routine,“ Rodney said, turning away from Carson who seemed hurt by that word.
When Carson didn't join him and the team for lunch and Rodney couldn't find him in quarters or the infirmary, the scientist realized that, maybe, he'd destroyed the young friendship with the Scotsman beyond repair - with just one word.
It was Evan Lorne who told Rodney where to find Carson. It was late in the evening and the city's lights were illuminating the pier. It was cold, a chilly wind ruffling Rodney's hair, and he was tempted to leave Carson alone until he would come back inside to his comfortably warm quarters. But he'd already walked all the way out here to the end of the pier - quite a distance from the city - and he wouldn't turn back now. Carson was sitting, his legs dangling over the edge, watching the ocean.
”You know,” Rodney said and sat down beside him, ”I spent the afternoon looking for you. You could have answered my calls.”
Carson pulled his earpiece from his pocket and put it on the ground between them.
”Well, no wonder you didn't hear me.” He sighed. ”Or anyone else for that matter.”
”No one called me,” Carson answered. ”I took the afternoon off and my staff is capable to work without me for a few hours.” The city's lights cut shadows across his face when he turned his head to look at Rodney. ”What are you doing here?”
Rodney shrugged.
”You know … taking a walk.”
”A walk,” Carson echoed. ”You?”
”Yes,” Rodney answered, irritated. ”I take walks. I love walking. It's … you know … walking.”
Carson smiled and shook his head.
”So ...” Rodney said. ”What are you doing here?”
Carson shrugged.
”What about?”
Rodney swallowed. This conversation wasn't about science, making it difficult for him to handle. He was an emotional cripple, sometimes. His sister was right.
”Routine,” Carson answered and what the hell was that supposed to mean? Rodney had no idea. He just knew that he liked Carson. He was a fun guy to have a round, he wasn't intimidated by Rodney's mood swings, he was smart and reliable. He was the closest thing to a best friend Rodney had ever had. He had to make things right between them even though he didn't have a clue as to why things weren't right.
”I'm sorry,” he said.
Carson looked at him with raised eyebrows.
”What for?”
Damn it!
”For … being … for …” Rodney gestured towards the ocean. Carson seemed to be confused.
Rodney couldn't blame him.
”I don't know,” he admitted. ”It's just that we were talking earlier and I said something and then you were suddenly gone. I don't know what I did wrong but I'm sorry for doing it.”
Carson laughed.
”You didn't do anything wrong, Rodney. Where did you get that idea?”
Rodney frowned.
”You're hiding out here.”
”Because I'm a bit depressed. Nothing new there.”
”Depressed? You?”
Carson was never depressed or sad or angry.
”Do you remember what we were talking about earlier?” Carson asked.
Rodney nodded.
”The resettlement of the Jablians.”
Carson nodded.
”They don't want to leave their planet, Rodney. The Wraith are heading straight for their world and we can't get them to leave.”
”I don't see the problem,” Rodney said.
”Colonel Sheppard gave up today. Elizabeth gave up. They said goodbye and left that planet that will be culled within the next thirty-six hours. Children, men and women - all of them dead.”
”We did everything we could, Carson. We talked to them, explained to them what would happen, they wouldn't listen. They don't want to leave their home behind.”
”I know. I just … when we were talking about it earlier you said the exact same thing.”
”Yes,” Rodney said, ”it's routine, you know. We can only do that much.”
”It's routine,” Carson repeated. ”We have a list of what to do to help these people and when everything fails, we give up on them. It's routine. Giving up on them is routine.” He sighed. ”I don't think I can do this anymore.”
Rodney gripped the edge of the pier and leaned forward to stare down into the dark water. He didn't know what to say to that.
”Don't you feel … jaded?” Carson asked.
”To everything. We came here, set up camp and we were so in awe … that changed. It's an everyday job.”
Rodney nodded.
”You're right,” he said, ”but there's nothing we can do about that.”
Carson nodded sadly.
They shared a few minutes of silence, before Rodney asked, ”So … you're not mad at me?”
”No,” Carson smiled. ”Why would I be?”
Rodney shrugged. Carson took a deep breath.
”It's beautiful out here.”
”Yeah,” Rodney answered.
”We could come here more often,” Carson suggested.
”That's a good idea actually,” Rodney said. ”Our very own routine.”
Story Title: Kindergarten
Character/Relationships: John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Dr. Rodney McKay
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
"Well that was insane..." John Sheppard blew out a sigh, as he sat down next to Rodney and Teyla. The crew hadn't had much of a chance to unpack and create more recreational areas, so when John happened upon the pair talking in an open area next to where most of the Athosian population was staying, he joined them.
Rodney looked up from the conversation he was having with Teyla. "What was?"
"You know... Jinto. Disappearing." Sheppard gestured with his hands, as if to indicate disappearance, though by the looks he was getting, didn't seem to be getting his message across. "It's just that... With kids-"
Teyla cut him short. "Athosian children are used to having vast spaces in which to play. You cannot blame them for wanting to relax and get to know their new home better."
John shot Teyla an apologetic look. "No, no, 's not that. Just that..." John looks around, still uneasy around his new team members. "Kids just make things a little difficult sometimes. And a kid that disappears-"
It was Rodney's turn to interrupt John. "I disappeared once," he said quite matter-of-factly.
"Yeah, but I bet you didn't have a search party combing a city for you," John tossed back at him.
Rodney cocked his head, eyes wide as he was obviously replaying the incident in his head. "Ooh, yes. Yes, I did." He nodded emphatically. "Huge search party."
"Rodney!" Teyla admonished him. "How very worrisome for your parents that must have been."
"I have got to hear this." John folded his arms over his chest and leaned back slightly. "So what'd you do?"
"Well, I've always been brilliant, and knew it even when I was really, really young." He shot a look at Sheppard, who was eyeing him oddly at his lack of modesty. "So when I went to start school, my parents wanted me to go to kindergarten, even though I knew I should be in at least first grade. They promised to get me tested, but said it would have to wait until after school started. Well I just figured... See. Well there was this kid from my block, Robbie... Robbie something. Well anyway, Robbie moved to our neighborhood right before the school year started, so he really didn't know anybody."
Teyla and John looked at each other. "Well, he obviously must have known you, Rodney," Teyla offered.
"Stupid little snot," Rodney shot back. Pointing to Teyla and shaking his head, Rodney offered, "Oh him, not you." He sighed heavily again. "He screamed 'Here! Catch!' and threw a ball at me as his way of introducing himself. Destroyed the model I was building, the little bastard... Anyway, Robbie was a year older than me, so he was in first grade, but he couldn't start school because he came down with appendicitis the weekend before school started. That's when I realized I had my chance."
John scrunched his eyes up at Rodney, scratching the back of his head absently. "Chance at what, McKay?"
"See, I knew Robbie wouldn't be there, and I was dying to skip all that stupid kid stuff in kindergarten, so I took his place."
"Took his place?" Teyla asked. "I don't understand."
"It was a small school. One kindergarten class, one first grade class, and so on and so on. So my parents, who stopped bickering for that one morning, took me to school and dropped me off at the front gate, patted me on the head, and left." He thought about it half a second and added, "I'm sure they were bickering by the time they got back to the car." Stray thought pushed aside, he continued. "So anyway, instead of going to my classroom, I went to Robbie's classroom."
"Yeah, so?" John offered, still confused.
"I impersonated him," Rodney offered weakly, earning him a laugh from John and an incredulous stare from Teyla. "Once in the class, I answered to the name 'Robbie' instead of 'Rodney' when we took attendance. We did math problems. We did some reading. We worked on penmanship. It worked too. At least until recess..." his voice trailed off.
John and Teyla shared a look. "What happened at recess, Rodney?" Teyla asked, voice full of concern.
Rodney glanced nervously between the two, then ducked his head sheepishly. "Well it turns out, they called my parents." He looked up, staring Teyla in the eye. "The school office knew I was there. I meaning Rodney. I guess my parents said something on the way in to the principal about my tests. But I was marked 'absent' for my class. Well... They thought I was abducted."
"Abducted?!?!" Teyla's voice held great concern, especially considering the Athosian version of kidnapping.
"Yes... Well, they called my parents, who came back to the school. All the administrative staff joined them. Then the cops came and they started searching the school ground and the park across the street. At recess, everyone went out to play, but I decided to ask for some advanced math problems and stayed in to work on them. When I got up to go to the bathroom, I heard someone calling my name. And in trying to avoid them... Well, I ran right into my father's knees."
John started chuckling, and a smile started blooming on Teyla's face. Rodney himself was starting to blush slightly. "I got caught. They were furious with me, but happy I was okay. But there was one good thing."
"What was that?" Teyla asked.
"The school arranged to test me the next day, and I got bumped up to second grade by the end of the week!" he offered smugly.