Multi-fandom flist, unite!

Feb 28, 2010 20:51

The Real Problem With Midichlorians

I really couldn't resist linking to this article -- combine LOST and Star Wars, and I'm sold.

And actually I completely agree with what this has to say. Don't let us down, Darlton.

gffa, lost, links

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Comments 2

khaman March 1 2010, 02:08:23 UTC
Three comments in a row!

And I agree with that article, too. I've gotten very worried that there's a lot of stuff that people genuinely care about and got invested in that's just going to be left by the wayside and they're going to handwave it off.


starfoozle March 1 2010, 02:24:39 UTC
*nods* It's stressing me out, tbh. I'm just worried that we're running out of hours and introducing too many new plotlines (goddamn flashsideways, please to be having actual relevance soon) to fully take care of the really important stuff.

I can't decide if it would be worse to have them answer things in a too-brief, unsatisfying way or just not answer them at all. :/


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