Art dump!

Jan 17, 2010 22:45

...or what passes as art, at any rate. I have been drawing some things this afternoon.

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picspam, artsy-stuff, lost, u2

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Comments 13

lostsailors January 18 2010, 04:06:51 UTC
Benry and Gaga! Such sums up what I do at work!

I also have found myself liking Lady Gaga lately, though I'm like: whyyyyyyy. But I do. Not all of her songs, especially the super club-dance ones. I do like her live stuff though, when it's stripped down a bit. She has a nice voice!


starfoozle January 18 2010, 04:14:41 UTC
Those two are a good way to make work tolerable, no doubt. :D

I don't even know what it is about Gaga. Slowly my entire sphere of friends is falling in love with her for no apparent reason, and sometimes against their own wills. It happened to me, I know. I'm not to the point of stannery, but I definitely love her! She is insanely talented and has a good voice, which is more than can be said for a lot of pop music, sadly.


betareject January 18 2010, 12:55:31 UTC
Slowly my entire sphere of friends is falling in love with her for no apparent reason, and sometimes against their own wills. It happened to me, I know. I'm not to the point of stannery, but I definitely love her!

Oh God THIS THIS!!! :faint: I used to be sucha good little metal head till she came along *sobs*

*sigh* I must make icons dedicated to her one of these days...


starfoozle January 18 2010, 15:12:17 UTC
Haha, bb, you can't fight it. Just give in to the epicness that is Gaga, and it'll all be okay. :P


layrenelement January 18 2010, 05:41:17 UTC
Can I get a padawan Qui-Gon? Maybe sitting in the gardens or something?


starfoozle January 18 2010, 15:11:37 UTC
But of course! :D


layrenelement January 18 2010, 17:26:40 UTC
If you want extra bonus points from Laurie, you can include Kyran and Shane in the sketch too. :D Maybe I could make you up a quick project as a prize? ;)


(The comment has been removed)

starfoozle January 18 2010, 15:06:19 UTC


betareject January 18 2010, 12:53:27 UTC
Oh Gawd Bono and Lady Gaga on the same page. I think I have died and gone to heaven. There can not be enough of either ofthose artists dammit! Beautiful work there girl!

Doodle requests? Anything to do with Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert the smexier the better XD Damn you for doing this to me =P Either that or some sweet Slick would rock my world...


starfoozle January 18 2010, 15:07:19 UTC
Heehee, yeah! I will happily draw you something with Gaga and Glambert. And also something with Slick, because you are awesome. :D


betareject January 19 2010, 12:56:07 UTC
*squees* Oh yes you freaking rock!!! Thank you so much!! *Tackle glomps and eagerly awaits to peek at your creations* ♥


charmisjess January 18 2010, 17:49:08 UTC
OH MY! I especially like the first one and the boom-cha!

You know, I would really like to see Dooku with his self-conscious socks. :D :D :D


starfoozle January 18 2010, 18:00:34 UTC
*grins* One sock-wearing Dooku coming right up!


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