Color in the cold grey night

Jan 03, 2010 19:16

It's the last day of Christmas break, and I am not happy about it. I have exams coming up next week, so I may be scarce for a little while -- I'll be doing much library-lurking in an effort to survive Calculus and Bio.

Also, why so cold, Ohio? I got up this morning and it was two degrees. TWO DEGREES, with a NEGATIVE WINDCHILL. That's just messed- ( Read more... )

meme, u2

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Comments 4

vinyamar January 4 2010, 00:22:48 UTC
Booooo for going back tomorrow! Best of luck with your exam period though! I'm glad I got those over with before the break!



starfoozle January 4 2010, 01:52:42 UTC
Ugh, lucky you. I wish I could just put January on fast-forward. Thanks for the well-wishes, bb!


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starfoozle January 4 2010, 01:55:17 UTC
I wish there was some kind of crash-course for Trek fandom -- like, "Here's what's old canon and new canon, here are some good stories to get you started, here are some fun comms and reference material!" As it is I am flailing blindly and hoping to bump into someting nifty once in a while.

I will treasure that fic with all my souuul. :P


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starfoozle January 4 2010, 19:52:21 UTC
I shall have to do that, thanks for the recs. *laughs* Zachary Quinto really is all that and a bag of chips, from what I've heard. :D

LOOOOOOSSSSSSST. Are you part of ontd_lost? It is possibly my favorite comm on the entire intarwebz. They're really good and careful about not spoiling people, it's relatively drama-free, and it is absolutely hilarious and populated by very charming people. *feeds you propaganda* You should check it out. :D


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