Artspam/Random Love

Apr 19, 2009 13:29

Oh hi. Grownup!Kitster loves you.

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picspam, artsy-stuff

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Comments 19

charmisjess April 19 2009, 18:25:46 UTC
!!!!!! <3 I love this! Your art is so amazing, Starrie!


starfoozle April 19 2009, 18:57:58 UTC
Thank you, Master! Glad you like it. :D

(I miss you, by the by.)


charmisjess April 20 2009, 03:50:10 UTC


albumsontheside April 19 2009, 18:54:23 UTC
This is amazing <3 Gah, wish I could draw!


starfoozle April 19 2009, 18:59:38 UTC
Hee, I'm glad you like it. I had fun playing around with colored lighting a little, and was happy with how it turned out. Photoshop and my tablet are my loves, oh yes. Yay for Kitster!


THE WORLD NEEDS MORE KITSTER albumsontheside April 19 2009, 19:00:51 UTC
Btw, side side note, how was your prom?


Re: THE WORLD NEEDS MORE KITSTER starfoozle April 19 2009, 22:30:31 UTC
Prom was rockin'. Well, prom itself was pretty fun (it was awesome to see everybody, especially the guys, all dressed up nicely) but mostly I liked the hanging-out part before and after.

My group went to a Japanese steakhouse, one of the ones where they cook in front of you and set stuff on fire. And then after prom itself, we went to crash at my buddy Sam's (ironically, also from England!) house. We stayed up 'til like 4 in the morning watching Doctor Who and SW Episode 4 on TV and eating Cadbury eggs. It was awesome, but I'm now a zombie!Starrie who's shuffling about the house looking for sources of caffeine. It was totally worth it, though. :D


betareject April 20 2009, 01:44:36 UTC
Woah is he drinking tea? That is seriously made of win! I love this!!! Some one must make an icon of this pic!! m(_ _)m


starfoozle April 20 2009, 15:21:04 UTC
Yes! All the cool kids drink tea, you know, specifically Tattooine tzai. *grins*

Thanks for the lovely compliment. I'm almost positive Fialleril will be iconng this in the future, so keep an eye on her for that. :D


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starfoozle April 20 2009, 15:29:28 UTC
(Breathe, breathe! Holostar!Kitster is used to people swooning over his awesomeness, but he still finds it slightly awkward when they actually pass out. *laughs*)

Yup, that's tzai! And fine literature, actually printed on real, old-style paper rather than in holobook-form. Clearly Kitster is a man of exquisite taste. :D

ICON AWAY, BB. IT'S TOTALLY FOR YOU. Would it be all right to post at neu_beginning, as grown-up!Kitster does not appear in canon? ...well, actually, since you're one of the mods, i suppose it's fine. ^__^

I am infinitely glad you like this. *beams*


moonspinner April 20 2009, 07:24:21 UTC
Wow, this is definitely holo-star!Kister, possibly taking a break in between holo-foto shoots. :D Remarkable how a pencil sketch positively oozes sex appeal. :D


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starfoozle April 20 2009, 15:17:30 UTC
Trufax. It's something of a curse. :P


moonspinner April 20 2009, 15:52:22 UTC
I can't wait to see your icons from this one. :D


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