Epic songmeme post comin' atcha!

Oct 06, 2008 18:56

So, in spite of my better judgement, I decided to go ahead and do the 'put your iTunes on shuffle and write drabbles about the first ten songs you hear' meme. Granted, I cheated a ton -- I allowed myself at least three revolutions of each song to finish these, and a couple of songs were skipped because I've already written about them (U2, I'm ( Read more... )

meme, u2 songfic project, music, fic-stuff, links

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Comments 3

captain_elessar October 7 2008, 02:01:25 UTC
Tony definitely goofs off in his garage when no one's looking. Probably also when someone IS looking (he obviously wouldn't care). You know he rides the roller board that goes under cars like a skateboard. And swivel chair fun. And he's got a Wii down there. And a PS3. Guitar Hero. Totally. (I also say that he has boxers with flying toasters on them but that's totally a different story).

Also, Kamino is also one of my all time favorite planets.

Also.. Dooku. Just Dooku.


starfoozle October 7 2008, 20:37:12 UTC
Oh, Tony. All of those are so totally true. I cannot summarize the ways in which I love him. ^__^ And I also cannot summarize the ways in which I love your icon. Dancing!RDJ for the win!

...Boxers with flying toasters on them? I can somehow totally see that. *giggles* What made that come to mind?

I would like to live on Kamino for a while. Also, Dooku. *sigh* He and I have this....relationship, as far as characters and authors go, that is decidedly dysfunctional. It's very much a love/hate thing, because sometimes I can write him well and sometimes he utterly refuses to cooperate. He's still one of my all-time favorites, though. :P


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starfoozle October 9 2008, 19:14:04 UTC
I will definitely put the files up for ya. Check back in a little while and I should have links attached. (I get the impression you'll like Peter Gabriel and Conjure One in particular ( ... )


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