
Nov 24, 2010 15:13

I've been back in Ohio since Friday. It's fantastic to hang out with my family again, though I'd be lying if I said West Chester's anywhere near as cool as Blacksburg.

We went to the zoo on Saturday, and because I actually remembered to bring my nice camera this time...picspam ahoy!

Go go charismatic megafauna! )

picspam, animals

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Comments 4

hitlikehammers November 24 2010, 20:49:47 UTC
Those photos are gorgeous; it's been way too long since I made my way to the Cincy Zoo.


starfoozle November 25 2010, 01:05:20 UTC
It's a pretty excellent zoo for sure. Thank you!


layrenelement November 24 2010, 20:51:10 UTC
Oh wow those pictures are epic! My favorites were the tigers and the wolf. :D


starfoozle November 25 2010, 01:05:00 UTC
Thank you bb! Actually those were my favorites as well. :D


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