
Aug 21, 2010 19:34

Fffff, I just got hit with a sudden and overwhelming bout of homesickness and am trying to decide if calling home would make things better or worse. *sadfaces*

Btw, if any of you ever are hiking in the mountains and decide to take a dip in the river (hurrah for dorm field trips), be sure to consider that water in the mountains is apparently not ( Read more... )

college, adventures, u2

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Comments 8

layrenelement August 22 2010, 00:35:34 UTC
Awwwwww. Don't worry hon, once classes start things will get better. College will seem more like home before you know it, you're just getting used to things. *hugs* I find that even talking a little bit to my mom helps stave off that feeling. Even if it's just 'Hi how was your day, okay gotta go bye," it's something from home and that always cheers me up.


starfoozle August 22 2010, 00:50:25 UTC
Thanks. *hugs back* It's just weird and a huge adjustment, ya know? It'll get better, I'm sure, but I'm overtired and missing my family like you would not believe. *sigh*


layrenelement August 22 2010, 20:05:13 UTC
I would believe. Been there, done that, and decided college wasn't for me. *hugs* So I completely understand. I hope yours works out better than mine did!


betareject August 22 2010, 01:30:39 UTC
OMG I am officially in love with that song that is all!! Wow so beautiful and so entirely haunting. I cannot wait till this song hits itunes!!

*hugs* I say call home. Some times the sound of a friendly voice really helps takes the edge off...


starfoozle August 22 2010, 02:42:01 UTC
I love it too. Can't wait to hear a studio version of this track, it could be really, really excellent.

I called. It was a good choice. :)


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starfoozle August 22 2010, 02:46:02 UTC
*hugs back*

The homesickness comes in waves, which is kind of annoying -- one minute I'm fine, and then BAM, I want nothing more than to be back at home with my family. I miss my room and the garden and the basement and my sister and parents. Gaaaaah. I'm looking forward to classes because they'll take my mind off things effectively, but I'm in a sort of awkward limbo right now.

Thanks, bb. <3 I appreciate it.


vestigialwords August 22 2010, 03:17:33 UTC
I'm going to second (fourth?) what everyone else said. My freshman year, welcome week was literally hell on earth. But it really gets a lot easier as you settle in and classes start and all of a sudden there's no time to be homesick. :)

THE EDGE IS SERIOUSLY MY HERO xFOREVER. His guitar is... it makes me do the thing that I'm doing right now where I get deliriously happy and incoherent. Do you happen to know when the new album is coming out?


starfoozle August 22 2010, 03:28:08 UTC
Good to know. I will hang in there accordingly. :)

Edgeeeeeeeeee. Words cannot describe my epic love for this dude. He is my music-spiration, basically. The new album -- Songs of Ascent, I think?? -- may be out by the end of this year, if not sooner. Apparently the band's working on a bunch of projects, but Adam mentioned someting about an EP in the near future.

Glorious icon, btw.


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