
Jun 03, 2010 18:49

So, I now have a job at the local vet clinic. Granted, it'll be a lot of poo-scooping and kennel help and answering phone calls at the front desk, but I'm totally down with that. I like science! I like animals! I like solving problems! This is all good. (And it's infinitely preferable to my former life of selling flat-screen TVs, which I really ( Read more... )

life-stuff, job, links, pure awesome

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Comments 3

betareject June 4 2010, 03:00:36 UTC
*high5* Congrats on your new job! I hope the crew is nice and the job is enjoyable (even if it does involve poop-scooping some times). =D


captain_elessar June 4 2010, 04:28:58 UTC
Yay! That's not a bad job :D


I need an ancient Egypt icon like woah albumsontheside June 4 2010, 07:56:08 UTC
I congratulate you on your latest employment. Of course, this Senet game is second nature to me. Pharoah Hatshepsut has spoken.


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